June 2013 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Jun 1 03:50:35 PDT 2013
Ending: Sun Jun 30 19:09:57 PDT 2013
Messages: 1026
- [liberationtech] internet blackout in turkey?
hc voigt
- [liberationtech] Cell phone tracking
Guido Witmond
- [liberationtech] Medill online Digital Safety Guide
Rich Kulawiec
- [liberationtech] Twitter Underground Market Research - pdf
Andrea St
- [liberationtech] Hoping to learn more about the 2009 Iran Green Movement
Zak Whittington
- [liberationtech] Julian Assange reviews Google's "The New Digital Age"
Moritz Bartl
- [liberationtech] Rectifying Comment Censorship
Jonathan Wilkes
- [liberationtech] looking for facebook contact
Trinh Nguyen
- [liberationtech] SECDEV FLASH NOTE: Syrian Electronic Army goes on the offensive, intensifies targeting of opposition Facebook pages
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] Cyber Warfare on Bilderberg Meeting
Andreas Bader
- [liberationtech] NATO examining role on cyber threats
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] BBC: Izmir police arrested 25 people for tweeting "misinformation".
michael gurstein
- [liberationtech] Anonymous Group Moderation?
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] TipWire: another shot at "the holy grail of crypto for the unskilled"
Uncle Zzzen
- [liberationtech] Ostel: encrypted phone calls
- [liberationtech] Cryptocat Seeking Estonian, Tibetan, Uighur and Latvian Translations
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] Network surveillance
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] Network Surveillance (comment on Andrew L's post)
Peter B.
- [liberationtech] WiSee and Wi-Vi: Tracking human motion with wifi
Steve Weis
- [liberationtech] Airline Shutdown Because of Loss of Internet Service?
michael gurstein
- [liberationtech] Subject: Hoping to learn more about the 2009 Iran Green Movement
Laurent Giacobino
- [liberationtech] NSA, FBI, Verizon caught red handed spying on US citizens in the US
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] An "interesting" (new?) browser behavior this morning
Albo P. Fossa
- [liberationtech] Why Metadata Matters
Griffin Boyce
- [liberationtech] Question about otr.js
Anthony Papillion
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
Michael Carbone
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
x z
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
Eduardo Robles Elvira
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
Peter Eckersley
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
Peter Eckersley
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
x z
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
R. Jason Cronk
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
Michael Carbone
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
David Miller
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
Raven Jiang CX
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals
x z
- [liberationtech] NSA has direct access to tech giants' systems for user data, secret ppt reveals [humor]
Rich Kulawiec
- [liberationtech] CfP: Philosophers of the World Unite! Theorizing Digital Labour and Virtual Work: Definitions, Forms and Transformations
Christian Fuchs
- [liberationtech] Montreal Journalists: Privacy and Security Workshop
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] Stop promoting Skype
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Top secret PRISM program claims direct access to servers of firms including Google, Facebook and Apple
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] PRISM: NSA/FBI Internet data mining project
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Secure tools for communications - Is there a wiki ..?
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] James Clapper (Director of USA National Intelligence) said in a statement
michael gurstein
- [liberationtech] Torservers.net: Professional Global Tor infrastructure
Moritz Bartl
- [liberationtech] Collusion Alleged between HP and Iran (reflets.info)
Troy Etulain
- [liberationtech] Email Volume & Digest Option
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Time to ask again: why are you logging?
- [liberationtech] US NSA's Snoop Factor Is Shocking
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Who Runs Prism...
Peter Lindener
- [liberationtech] Google Denies PRISM Involvement
Travis McCrea
- [liberationtech] OpenWatch Releases #OccupyGezi Android Application
Rich Jones
- [liberationtech] Crypho
- [liberationtech] FW: [IP] Tech Companies Concede to Surveillance Program - NYTimes.com
michael gurstein
- [liberationtech] Building a encrypted mobile network
Anthony Papillion
- [liberationtech] [Meta] Mailman to /r/LiberationTech Subreddit bot
Travis McCrea
- [liberationtech] Want to shield text, photos from government? Wickr says it has an app for that | SiliconBeat
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] What happens when the government is allowed to spy on you?
- [liberationtech] Russia and PRISM?
Peter Bourgelais
- [liberationtech] Boundless Informant: the NSA's secret tool to track global surveillance data
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Persona and Prism
Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb
- [liberationtech] OSS Devs: Talk about metadata!
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] Yes, we scan!
- [liberationtech] opportunistic encryption with IPv6
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] liberationtech Digest, Vol 158, Issue 5
Catherine Fitzpatrick
- [liberationtech] Why didn't tech company leaders blow the whistle?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] NSA whistleblower revealed
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Mechanisms of intercepting service provider internal connectivity
Gregory Maxwell
- [liberationtech] Why we can't go back to business as usual post-PRISM.
Gregory Maxwell
- [liberationtech] Canadian phone and Internet surveillance program revealed
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] PRISM vs Tor | The Tor Blog
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Privacy Promises and Client-Side Betrayal.
Karl Fogel
- [liberationtech] 2nd Ethics of Surveillance Conference: Moving towards Ubiquitous Surveillance?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Mobile Payments, Bitcoin and the Law
Aaron Greenspan
- [liberationtech] Use of PRISM corporations by social activists & campaigns
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] So, I was buying my nephew a bond...
Travis McCrea
- [liberationtech] A Taxonomy of PRISM Possibilities « Unhandled Exception
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] [FoRK] Specific System Architecture
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Cryptocat: Translation Volunteers Needed
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] Android Full-Disk Encryption Cracked
Axel Simon
- [liberationtech] Top four anti-surveillance apps | ZDNet
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Globe and Mail commentary
Ronald Deibert
- [liberationtech] Prism, CEOs, NSLs
Shava Nerad
- [liberationtech] DNI Clapper's NBC interview
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] [ipv6hackers] opportunistic encryption in IPv6
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] OHM2013 Hacker Camp: Five Whistleblowing Lectures
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
- [liberationtech] Edward Snowden has gone missing
Rich Kulawiec
- [liberationtech] New Anonymity Network for Short Messages
Sean Cassidy
- [liberationtech] [cryptopolitics] [cryptography] skype backdoor confirmation
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Internet blackout
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] Guardian reporter delayed e-mailing NSA source because crypto is a pain
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] Global Principles on National Security Whistleblower
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
- [liberationtech] the Blackberry and Surveillance?
michael gurstein
- [liberationtech] [cryptography] New Anonymity Network for Short Messages
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] NSA spying trashes U.S. global role
Ronald Deibert
- [liberationtech] Spy stoppers: meet the companies benefiting from the PRISM privacy scare
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] Use of social media & crisis mapping for civilian protection
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] [cryptography] CTR mode fragility vs feedback modes (Re: New Anonymity Network for Short Messages)
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Blogpost: learning lessons from NSA's PRISM (or: crypto & decentralization vs. bulk spying)
- [liberationtech] [cryptography] [ipv6hackers] opportunistic encryption in IPv6
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Opt out of Prism
Andrea St
- [liberationtech] Dual Citizens and Information Collection
Travis McCrea
- [liberationtech] <nettime> dark days
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] The government is no longer the only party to win a matter in the FISA Court
James S. Tyre
- [liberationtech] Use of gender-neutral terms when speaking and writing
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Community Wireless Across America
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Spies Without Borders : Using Domestic Networks to Spy on the World.
Katitza Rodriguez
- [liberationtech] New ICTD2012 Special Issue Published
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] NSA Director Alexander @ Senate Appropriations Committee (Jun 12)
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] [Freedombox-discuss] BTNS on Freedombox
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] FW: [Ottawadissenters] Infinite Romeo: The Secret Government Program to Manipulate Dating Sites
michael gurstein
- [liberationtech] The Civil Society Internet Governance Caucus supports the Electronic Frontier Foundation concerns regarding DRM in HTML5
michael gurstein
- [liberationtech] Brazilian Internet Privacy Rights
Griffin Boyce
- [liberationtech] Moving Martus forward
Collin Sullivan
- [liberationtech] Secure and Cheap Provider in Sweden or Iceland?
Lorenzo Franceschi Bicchierai
- [liberationtech] International civil society letter to Congress to follow up from HRC statement
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] The people of Turkey need you: Can you translate from Turkish to English and/or other languages?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Agora Voting
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Schrodinger’s Catnip: Questions & Answers on NSA Data Collection
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Oakland Cryptoparty This Sunday at 1pm
William Gillis
- [liberationtech] Free cryptography I course (courtesy Coursera)
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] U.S. Agencies Said to Swap Data With Thousands of Firms
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] [cryptography] [Freedombox-discuss] BTNS on Freedombox
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Is the Wall Street Journal intentionally confusing the NSA surveillance issue?
Jason Gulledge
- [liberationtech] Stand with Edward Snowden
Yishay Mor
- [liberationtech] [tt] NSA Prism is motivated in part by fears that environmentally-linked disasters could spur anti-government activism
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] FT: Companies scramble for consumer data (personal data are so cheap... why bother to protect them)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] diseconomies of scale
Lucas Gonze
- [liberationtech] Cities adopting international human rights treaties
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Watch 2013 Barack Obama Debate 2006 Joe Biden Over NSA Surveillance
James S. Tyre
- [liberationtech] Stanford Security Seminar 6/17: Digital Forensics Tools
Steve Weis
- [liberationtech] tools for meta-data protection
Jonathan Wilkes
- [liberationtech] Blocking TCP flows?
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] huawei
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Government surveillance technical details hiding in plain sight
Gregory Maxwell
- [liberationtech] [tt] NS 2921: How to stop the NSA spying on your data
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] [cryptography] NSA "breakthrough"
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] What's New On The Spies Without Borders Series?
Katitza Rodriguez
- [liberationtech] 21st Century Statecraft: Joint Statement on U.S.-Germany Cyber Bilateral Meeting
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] How to defend against attacks on chips?
Anthony Papillion
- [liberationtech] New list: ZapBuzz
тaмás kovács
- [liberationtech] [tt] WaPo: NSA-proof encryption exists. Why doesn't anyone use it?
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Help test the new Tor Browser!
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] security aspects of OpenQwaq
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] [cwebber at dustycloud.org: [GMG-Devel] MediaGoblin v0.4.0, "Hall of the Archivist", is released!]
- [liberationtech] Quick Guide to Alternatives
Anne Roth
- [liberationtech] TipWire revisited
Uncle Zzzen
- [liberationtech] NYT: Obama’s German Storm
- [liberationtech] An analysis of Gezi Parki
Anne Roth
- [liberationtech] Interesting Q&A
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] Brazilian Revolution (today)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Identi.ca, Diaspora, and Friendica are more secure alternatives to Facebook.
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] MOOC'd
David Johnson
- [liberationtech] How CyanogenMod’s founder is giving Android users their privacy back | Ars Technica
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] USA Today panel with 3 American Whistleblowers
Bernard Tyers - ei8fdb
- [liberationtech] Decoupling from current power structures
- [liberationtech] NSA flag terms
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] AFCEA reflections on recent prism case
André Rebentisch
- [liberationtech] Jim Bamford's comments all in one place
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Help Testing & Compare the new vs old Tor Browser Bundle Project
Randolph D.
- [liberationtech] [tp] NSA flag terms
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Encipher.it
Lorenzo Franceschi Bicchierai
- [liberationtech] Yes We Scan! Privacy Activists Protest Against PRISM and NSA Surveillance As President Obama Arrives in Berlin
Markus Beckedahl
- [liberationtech] Telecomix Broadcast System - Now including news from Turkey
okhin at okhin.fr
- [liberationtech] Any opengov loving/Facebook app experts out there?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Censorship circumvention and ticket inspectors
- [liberationtech] FW: [TrumanScholars] question for lawyers, middle east, security folks about outgoing email
Megan Reif
- [liberationtech] Whistleblowing 2.0 — from the Pentagon Papers to Bradley Manning to PRISM
Patrick McCurdy
- [liberationtech] Skype interception - Project Chess
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] An Analysis of Canada-based Netsweeper’s Role in Pakistan’s Censorship Regime
Ronald Deibert
- [liberationtech] we don't need no steenkin PRISM
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Preso on Gmail vs PGP ..
Ali-Reza Anghaie
- [liberationtech] Dimming the Internet: Detecting Throttling as a Mechanism of Censorship in Iran
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] PrivateCore and secure hosting
Eleanor Saitta
- [liberationtech] Query on implications of dragnet eavesdropping
Louis Suárez-Potts
- [liberationtech] my op/ed in the SF Bay Guardian
Shava Nerad
- [liberationtech] NSA wiretapping without a warrant
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] [ZS] ZS encryption standards
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] NSA is very likely storing all encrypted communications it is intercepting
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Using Tor increases likelihood you will be spied on
Richard Brooks
- [liberationtech] Bush-Era Whistleblower Claims NSA Ordered Wiretap Of Barack Obama In 2004
Moritz Bartl
- [liberationtech] Internet Censorship and Control
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] to encrypt or not to encrypt?
dan mcquillan
- [liberationtech] Euclid Analytics
Daniel Sieradski
- [liberationtech] GCHQ taps fibre-optic cables for secret access to world's communications
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] PRISM & Open Data
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Contribution for Research Project
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] PRISM Op-ed for NewInt
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] What if the government asks them not to patch?
Anthony Papillion
- [liberationtech] A Call to Harm: New Malware Attacks Target the Syrian Opposition.
Ronald Deibert
- [liberationtech] new quarter-billion daily-updated global geocoded event dataset now available (GDELT)
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] article on Czech neo-Nazis' use of US-based servers
Gwendolyn Albert
- [liberationtech] phantom protocol
Jonathan Wilkes
- [liberationtech] Any thoughts on this?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Brazilian Activists automatically being banned from Facebook
André Costa
- [liberationtech] AdLeaks - a whistleblowing platform
Jens Christian Hillerup
- [liberationtech] Yahoo Hacks [and: it's about to get MUCH worse]
Rich Kulawiec
- [liberationtech] Spiegel Online (Germany): The Public Must Fight for its Right to Privacy
- [liberationtech] Call for Participants @ Noisy Square - Putting the Resistance back in OHM
Douwe Schmidt
- [liberationtech] Cryptocat: Adopting Accessibility and Ease of Use as Security Properties
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] <nettime> Leonid Bershidsky: U.S. Surveillance Is Not Aimed at Terrorists (Bloomberg)
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Security over SONET/SDH
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] hey, sounds familiar
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Are undersea cables tapped before they get to ISP's? [was Re: Security over SONET/SDH]
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] FBI/NSA want access to end-points: UVST could...
M. Fioretti
- [liberationtech] Identity Based Encryption
Mrs. Y.
- [liberationtech] safermobile.org / mobileactive.org manuals
Laurent Giacobino
- [liberationtech] Secrecy News -- 06/25/13
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Help to build Ushahidi app for Uttarakhand disaster relief work
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] How many of us are at CFP?
Bill Woodcock
- [liberationtech] Google adds SafeBrowsing data on malware/phishing to Transparency Report
Joseph Lorenzo Hall
- [liberationtech] [hackerspaces] Hackerspace for South Sudan
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] A community wireless mesh grows in Oakland, California.
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Call for Papers: International Conference on Cyberwarfare and Security (ICCWS)
Michael Dahan
- [liberationtech] Internet is designed for surveillance
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] strongbox.gov
Nathan Fain
- [liberationtech] A Different Panel with Whistleblowers
Shava Nerad
- [liberationtech] Is Ecuador the Safe Haven We Want to Believe In?
- [liberationtech] Introducing CrossCloud: A project to get your data out of silos - Knight Foundation
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] safermobile.org / mobileactive.org
Laurent Giacobino
- [liberationtech] A simple SSL tweak could protect you from GCHQ/NSA snooping
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Multiple vulnerabilities in Silent Circle
Nadim Kobeissi
- [liberationtech] Crowdfunding for Tor exit relays and bridges
Moritz Bartl
- [liberationtech] Data Dealer, the new game about digital privacy and online surveillance (nonprofit, under CC)
- [liberationtech] Fwd: MyZone social network
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] a privacy preserving and resilient social network
Alireza Mahdian
- [liberationtech] Surveillance 'partnership' between NSA and telcos points to AT&T, Verizon
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Roundup of NSA and PRISM memes
Reed Black
- [liberationtech] Advice needed for secure IM/Voice/Video Service
Anthony Papillion
- [liberationtech] <nettime> A discussion with Cryptome (Natsios, Young) about Prism etc. (The Gawker)
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Vole is P2P social network that uses BitTorrent
Mark Theunissen
- [liberationtech] Secret European deals to hand over private data to America
Jurre andmore
- [liberationtech] Current state of Pidgin OTR vs Jitsi OTR
Anthony Papillion
- [liberationtech] On the technical and legal aspects of security, transparency, and audibility of the NSA surveillance data.
Jae Kwon
- [liberationtech] Yet another social network launched for "anonymous" users - Network World
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] What project would you finance? [WAS: Potential funding for crypto-related projects]
Yosem Companys
Last message date:
Sun Jun 30 19:09:57 PDT 2013
Archived on: Thu Mar 16 18:50:56 PDT 2017
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