[liberationtech] a privacy preserving and resilient social network
Eleanor Saitta
ella at dymaxion.org
Fri Jun 28 22:13:53 PDT 2013
Hash: SHA256
On 2013.06.28 13.14, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
> Just curious, Eleanor-- once you implement your "bullet-proof"
> privacy- preserving network, how do you plan to make the user
> experience at all tolerable without automated mirroring like what
> this developer has written and tested?
That's going to depend on the system and the situation. With Briar,
we do things that are fairly similar, but we also make a point of
taking unlinkability seriously. Research code into social mirroring?
Awesome. Protocol design intended for deployment that ignores
unlinkability? Not awesome.
More specifically, some of this is unrelated to Alireza's proposal --
I'm using it to illustrate the kinds of shifts that we need to
undertake in our thinking here. It's not about *this* tool, it's
about every tool we build. To that end, I suppose I do owe them a bit
of an apology -- really, it's nothing personal about this tool (and
certainly not anything about them, although I hope that's obvious).
It's all of us and everything that needs to shift.
Finally, I should note in passing, I'm not trying to make something
"bullet-proof". I care about security outcomes, not security
theories. What I want to see is our tools reaching the point where
we're actually playing the game, because right now, we're not even on
the road to the stadium. Encryption meaningfully prevented a wiretap
for the first time ever in *2012* (or so we're told, for
non-intelligence domestic US wiretaps), and has only ever worked five
times. This is pathetic and terrifying. Let's become an actual problem.
- --
Ideas are my favorite toys.
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