[liberationtech] Cryptocat: Translation Volunteers Needed

Travis McCrea me at travismccrea.com
Tue Jun 11 08:31:38 PDT 2013

To be honest, if you are not in a situation that needs cryptocat anyway, and Nadim doesn't make any money from you using cryptocat... and it means less hostile bug reports from you... why would he want you to?

No one is forced to use the program, yes, Opera might be used by people we would like to target but as said earlier Opera is coming out real soon with a new version that will be compatible. Why waste effort to support a legacy browser, when he could be focusing his time on making cryptocat better for everyone?

I don't speak for CryptoCat so don't use my words against them, I just don't really see why people are getting all agro. We are all on the same team.

Catherine Roy wrote:
> On 11/06/2013 10:07 AM, Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
>> On 2013-06-10, at 8:21 PM, Catherine Roy <ecrire at catherine-roy.net>
>> wrote:
>>> I am not a developer. Must we all be developers to have a
>>> significant influence on these types of issues ?
>> No, you can also repeatedly send me blandly demanding emails and then
>> take the issue to the public when I don't answer immediately, and
>> expect me to change Cryptocat's development roadmap to accommodate
>> for you and the 1% that use a browser with a highly limited
>> third-party development API.
>> Seriously, you're really frustrating.
> For the record, I sent you one very polite email off list 3 days ago
> to which you never replied. My 2 emails to this list were not blandly
> demanding either, they were simple and to the point. I do not think
> any of my messages warranted this type of reply. And neither did they
> warrant me being insulted off list by someone else from this list.
> Browser optimization is not something to take lightly and basically
> dismissing someone by telling them to go contribute code on github is
> not the best way to handle things either (like I said not everyone is
> a developer and users should be able to inquire about and request
> changes regardless). Indeed Opera is perhaps not the browser with the
> most market share globally (1.52% atm) but by effectively shutting it
> out, you are ignoring many eastern european countries, among other
> things.
> Anyhow, I do use other browsers out of necessity, including Chrome,
> Chromium and Firefox. But with such user/customer relations, I will
> not be going to the trouble of taking them out for your product.
> Best regards,
> Catherine

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