[liberationtech] Moving Martus forward

Collin Sullivan collins at benetech.org
Thu Jun 13 11:44:30 PDT 2013

Dear LibTech,

Brief update from us here at Benetech: we're pretty excited about the direction Martus is headed. We're working on all kinds of long-desired functionalities--built-in Tor integration, mobile write-only, translations, visualizations and onward. We've just released 4.2, with speed enhancements and some security improvements (and, for those interested: Burmese font compatibility!), and we're already working on 4.3. Have a look at what we're up to at https://martus.org

And, what with all the exciting work to be done, we're looking for someone to manage a major software and training project as we develop Martus' next generation. You can read about the position here: http://www.benetech.org/join_us/position_postings.shtml#hrppm

Please share that link around to anyone who seems a good fit or might be interested. And as always, we invite your input on how to make Martus better.


Collin Sullivan
Human Rights Program Associate
Benetech Human Rights Program

Email: 	collin.s at benetech.org
GPG: 	0x78657D4D
XMPP:   collin.sullivan at riseup.net
OTR: 	A0946621 68E641FA 4DFBF9F0 10B20AA9 88601348
	11C7957D 5A99DAF7 1D0DD4BC EE243287 943AD67A

https://www.benetech.org - Technology Serving Humanity
https://www.martus.org - Martus Human Rights Bulletin System

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