[liberationtech] NATO examining role on cyber threats

Gregory Foster gfoster at entersection.org
Tue Jun 4 19:47:29 PDT 2013

NATO defense ministers are meeting in Brussels at the organization's 
first high-level meeting dedicated to cyber defense.

Reuters (Jun 4) - "NATO boosts cyber defenses but members differ on its 

The meeting website has documentation of publicly available statements 
and Q&A.

NATO (Jun4-5) - "Meetings of NATO Ministers of Defence":

This 5-minute NATO-produced video juxtaposes the meeting in Brussels 
with the Hack in the Box computer security event which occurred in 
Amsterdam at the end of May.

YouTube (Jun 4) - "Collaborating against cyber threats" by NATOCOMMUNITY:

For reference, here's the Hack in the Box event website.



Gregory Foster || gfoster at entersection.org
@gregoryfoster <> http://entersection.com/

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