[liberationtech] internet blackout in turkey?

KheOps kheops at ceops.eu
Sat Jun 1 04:46:03 PDT 2013

Good day everyone,

Le 01/06/2013 12:50, hc voigt a écrit :
> Everything that is coming through along the hashtags #occupygezi or
> #direngezipark? is coming from outside Istanbul and lacks any new infos
> and pictures from within the city; or even from within turkey.
> After having done so last night, I'm again observing for quite some time
> now again via twazzup, tumblr, g+, diaspora, ? and it looks to me like
> we face a complete Internet Blackout in/from Turkey.

I am not sure to what extent the blackout is complete. A message was
addressed to telecomix earlier on: http://pastebin.com/Y9iJTWEP

I'd say they've cut GSM access as well as broadband in some areas, and
possibly increased blockade of some particular websites at country level.

Would be nice to get more details, though.

> Does turkey posses the technology, means and skills for that?

Country internet infrastructure is centralized by governmetn-controlled
Turk Telecom. They already do website blockade, iirc based on keywords.
So I think we can assume they have modern enough equipment to perform
blocking and surveillance.


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