[liberationtech] internet blackout in turkey?

Andrew Lewis me at andrewlew.is
Sat Jun 1 04:46:14 PDT 2013

I heard rumors, on reddit so take this with a grain of salt, that
power was being cut off to neighborhoods with protests. As for the
capacity to cutoff Internet, I suspect every country to have a
contingency for that.


On Jun 1, 2013, at 10:51 PM, hc voigt <sozwiss at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Everything that is coming through along the hashtags #occupygezi or
> #direngezipark? is coming from outside Istanbul and lacks any new infos
> and pictures from within the city; or even from within turkey.
> After having done so last night, I'm again observing for quite some time
> now again via twazzup, tumblr, g+, diaspora, ? and it looks to me like
> we face a complete Internet Blackout in/from Turkey.
> Does turkey posses the technology, means and skills for that?
> Am I missing something?
> - --
> hc voigt
> kellerabteil.org :: sozialebewegungen.org ::
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> --
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