[liberationtech] Stop promoting Skype

M. Fioretti mfioretti at nexaima.net
Fri Jun 7 07:02:37 PDT 2013

On Fri, Jun 07, 2013 13:31:07 PM +0100, Yishay Mor wrote:
> "If all this already exists, why isn t everybody doing it? Well, simply because
> there is no integration at all among all those objects. "
> No. we don't need no software bundles. we don't need no sleek installers. 
> How long does it take me to set up a gmail account? facebook account? flickr
> account? 20 seconds. how much does it cost me to set up? how much does it cost
> me to maintain? (ok, skype is an exception, I do need to install).
> See that's the standard you're competing with. Most users don't own server
> space, physical or virtual, and would not in a million years be convinced to
> buy any.


just out of curiosity: did you even bother to read what I actually
wrote? Like, you know, the parts about service businesses? Or the fact
that the proposal itself is about bundling existing software
**exactly** to make it a "20 seconds set up"?

M. Fioretti http://mfioretti.com                   http://stop.zona-m.net

Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
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