[liberationtech] Stop promoting Skype

Petter Ericson pettter at acc.umu.se
Fri Jun 7 06:36:40 PDT 2013

You misunderstand. Signing up to these services is generally easy, and
there are a number of instances up and running for each. However, there
is as far as I know, no integrated service running an XMPP service, a
mail server, an OStatus instance, all connected and having the same
user database, reasonable connections between them etc etc.

It is certainly doable to install all of these, but currently it is
hard, in the sense that you need some rather in-depth knowledge to
properly glue everything together.

Making it easy to set up a server with a multitude of useful services
will not make each and every person set such a server up, but it may mean
that a much larger group of people _know_ someone who can set up such
a server.

Incidentally, I have been thinking, writing (one or two) blog posts on, but due
to time constraints not actually implementing or promoting such a project.



On 07 June, 2013 - Yishay Mor wrote:

> "If all this already exists, why isn’t everybody doing it? Well, simply
> because there is *no integration at all among all those objects*. "
> No. we don't need no software bundles. we don't need no sleek installers.
> How long does it take me to set up a gmail account? facebook account?
> flickr account? 20 seconds. how much does it cost me to set up? how much
> does it cost me to maintain? (ok, skype is an exception, I do need to
> install).
> See that's the standard you're competing with. Most users don't own server
> space, physical or virtual, and would not in a million years be convinced
> to buy any.
> Yishay
> ___________________________
>    http://www.yishaymor.org
> () ascii ribbon campaign - against html e-mail
> /\    www.asciiribbon.org - against proprietary attachments
> On 7 June 2013 09:47, M. Fioretti <mfioretti at nexaima.net> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jun 07, 2013 09:16:32 AM +0200, Eduardo Robles Elvira wrote:
> > > Stop promoting google hangout and hotmail, yahoo, gmail, outlook.com...
> > =)
> >
> > and start promoting their replacement via user-friendly bundling of
> > Free Software that already exist and may run in a portable way on any
> > cheap VPS:
> >
> >
> > http://stop.zona-m.net/2013/01/the-alternatives-to-apple-facebook-c-already-exist-shall-we-package-them/
> >
> > --
> > M. Fioretti http://mfioretti.com                   http://stop.zona-m.net
> >
> > Your own civil rights and the quality of your life heavily depend on how
> > software is used *around* you
> > --
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> >

> --
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Petter Ericson (pettter at acc.umu.se)

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