[liberationtech] Global Principles on National Security Whistleblower

Fabio Pietrosanti (naif) lists at infosecurity.ch
Wed Jun 12 01:10:08 PDT 2013

Hi all,

this email to share the today release of the "The Global Principles on 
National Security and Freedom of Information (the Tshwane Principles)" 
by the Open Society Foundation.

That's a set of Policy Guidelines for the protection of National 
Security Whistleblower.

Those Principles address the topic of Whistleblowing and National 
Security and has been done in cooperation with 22 organizations:

As a summary i suggest reading "Understanding the Tshwane Principles":

It is very interesting to note that Snowden, the Whistleblower of NSA 
PRISM saga, would had been protected under Principles 43 and 46 (and 
maybe under Principle 40).

A blog post with an analysis on the case related to that principles is 
being prepared.

For media and analysts interested on it, they may contact 
sandra.coliver at opensocietyfoundations.org and 
jonathan.birchall at opensocietyfoundations.org .


Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
HERMES - Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights
http://logioshermes.org - http://globaleaks.org - http://tor2web.org

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