[liberationtech] Ostel: encrypted phone calls

Mark Belinsky m at markbelinsky.com
Wed Jun 12 11:52:51 PDT 2013

We've updated the app and the website a bunch this week. We hope that it's
even more useful and functional now.

Please go to ostel.co and start using our tool for encrypted phone calls.
We'd love to hear feedback. Thanks!

@mbelinsky <https://twitter.com/mbelinsky> |
markbelinsky.com<https://markbelinsky.com>| phone:
+1-347-466-9327 | skype: markontheline

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 5:04 AM, Raven Jiang CX <jcx at stanford.edu> wrote:

> The article mentioned that the order for the dragnet came from the FISA
> court. Doesn't electronic surveillance of agents that do not belong to
> foreign entities exceed the legal jurisdiction of the FISA court?
> On 6 June 2013 00:02, Michael Carbone <michael at accessnow.org> wrote:
>> Now is a great time to push OStel further out, as clear evidence that the
>> NSA is scooping up all noncontent cellphone data (including
>> domestic-domestic) is hitting the news:
>> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/06/nsa-phone-records-verizon-court-order
>> Michael
>> On Jun 5, 2013 6:03 PM, "Nathan of Guardian" <nathan at guardianproject.info>
>> wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> On 06/05/2013 02:25 PM, Mark Belinsky wrote:
>>> > When we initially developed ostel.me it used freeswitch but we've
>>> > moved away from it to allow for better federation. Ostel.co is a
>>> > new implementation of the open secure telephony network (ostn)
>>> > standard
>>> If you want to track the open-source project behind OStel, you can
>>> find on the project tracker[0] and post questions on the guardian-dev
>>> list [1]. As Mark mentioned, this is our second go around at creating
>>> an Open Secure/Source/Standards Telephony Network [2] service, this
>>> time based on the popular+powerful Kamalio [3] SIP server.
>>> Soon, we will have all the information posted on how to run your own
>>> instance too. We previously documented how to do this with our v1
>>> Freeswitch-based cookbook [4].
>>> After all, we still believe in things like standards, federation and
>>> the ability to run your own servers, because, well, that is what the
>>> Internet is made of.
>>> +n
>>> [0] OStel Project Tracker:
>>> https://dev.guardianproject.info/projects/ostel
>>> [1] Guardian-dev Mailing List:
>>> https://lists.mayfirst.org/mailman/admin/guardian-dev
>>> [2] OSTN Project Overview: https://guardianproject.info/wiki/OSTN
>>> [3] Kamailio: http://www.kamailio.org/w/
>>> [4] DEPRECATED: Run your own OSTN node:
>>> https://guardianproject.info/wiki/OSTN_cookbook
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