[liberationtech] Call for Participants @ Noisy Square - Putting the Resistance back in OHM

Jurre andmore drwhax at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 09:49:15 PDT 2013

I'm one of the noisysquare organizers, I replied inline.

2013/6/24 phryk <input at phryk.net>

> On Mon, 24 Jun 2013 11:52:01 -0400
> Eleanor Saitta <ella at dymaxion.org> wrote:
> > A lot of people are asking me to change my mind on attending, and it
> > sounds like you guys are going to have a lot of fun, but I'm finding
> > myself pretty unmotivated to change my mind given that much of the
> > organizing team doesn't seem to care at all about human rights.
> Wouldn't that be all the more reason to go and mitigate the negative
> effects? It'd also give you a chance to go meet the organizers in
> person and tell them what you think of it, which is harder to dismiss
> than someone querying them over IRC.
> @Douwe, could you point me to the Village of that dutch crime unit?
> My hope would be that this is the instant target for all kinds of
> pranks that people might or might not come up with. I have high hopes
> for hilarity to ensue and keep me merry.

After much discussion on the OHM mailinglist and social media storms, the
police backed of and decided not to have a village. Instead, like all the
previous conferences before, they will be undercover! Just like CCCamp,
EMFcamp and all the other hacker conferences. At least we can play spot the
fed again, hooray!

Further, I agree with micah, would we not participate in a discussion like
we're having on this list with policymakers that things needs to be
radically changed? We can let our voice heard for a change and explain the
police and other surveillance vendors that what they do is an awful thing
and explain they are not welcome at our party.

My 0,02.

With kind regards,

Jurre van Bergen
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