[liberationtech] US wiretap statistics (was re: a privacy preserving and resilient social network)

Alireza Mahdian alireza.mahdian at gmail.com
Fri Jun 28 23:37:59 PDT 2013

On Jun 29, 2013, at 12:26 AM, Ali-Reza Anghaie <ali at packetknife.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 1:52 AM, Alireza Mahdian
> <alireza.mahdian at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I really hope all your other facts are not based on this link you sent. as
>> Matt rightfully put it we don't know the kind of cipher that was used it
>> could have been a  very primitive one. you are making a very bold statement
>> based on a very incomplete data. it is as if you are claiming that if one
> Actually the link and data do not say - nor was it her assertion -
> that they attacked the crypto itself. And that goes back to the whole
> of her original response (which was a broader call to arms /
> perspective). Many are often missing the broader picture on how these
> systems are attacked by capable bodies and Governments if that is,
> indeed, one of the adversary bodies you've identified.
>> pointed out that it does not even aim for it. As the creator of MyZone I did
>> not felt the need for unlinkability as deniability is provided to a needed
>> degree. You probably are not going to give my app even a try but I would
>> certainly give your "Bullet proof" solution if it ever sees the light of the
>> day a try and read its documentation in full before criticizing it. I have
> I think you're jumping to conclusions much the same way you suggest
> any question to you is. Your first response to any input was "this is
> to prevent modifications that would render it as a malware" in regards
> to the Open Source aspect. Which makes no sense - at all. It's not
> even defensible. You could include a license with your codebase that
> has nothing to do with the offered service as-is.

> So take a step back and, seriously, ask yourself did you want input or
> did you just want praise?

******* This is a very unfair thing to say that's all I am going to respond to your message. Cheers Ali. 

>> tried SO MANY of these solutions that you mentioned in a very restrictive
>> environment (I come from Iran and I have first hand experience on whatever
>> you are mentioning here) and trust me they are often so slow (you have to
>> consider dial up bandwidth) that you prefer to avoid them in the first
>> place. I will consider any "constructive" criticism of my work and
>> appreciate it very much but telling me that I have solved the "wrong"
>> problem is just your opinion. I certainly wouldn't consider my self such
>> expert enough in the field to make a blunt statement like that towards
>> anybody's work. I will not respond to any of your comments from this point
>> on until I see reasonable signs that you have read my thesis and at the very
>> least understand my design choices. I owe you a thank you for the time you
>> have put to write those emails regarding my work.
> Wait - are you telling someone not to make such bold statements while
> making.. wait for it.. a number of your own?
> Also - as an Iranian transplant with continued involvement I'm not at
> all sure you can relate those circumstances as comprehensive to the
> rest of the world. Actually - I'd say you flat-out can't. It's not
> even that homogenous within Iran anymore.
> Usability is a BIG debate point on the list - often - with some of us
> (myself included) feeling that falling within a broken system and
> being covered by regular "noise" is often better than an unusable
> system.
> However - going back to what you started with - you asserted a context
> within current events and against Government. That has a big weighty
> goal attached to it and raises hackles.
> So let's all start over.
> Hello Alireza. I'm.. err. Ali-Reza. Congratulations on your recent
> Doctorate and welcome to Libtech.
> Cheers, -Ali
>> On Jun 28, 2013, at 11:28 PM, Matt Johnson <railmeat at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Well that is good news, thanks for the pointer!
>> Now all we need is for the court to report what cipher and which
>> encryption tools were used...
>> --
>> Matt Johnson
>> On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 10:21 PM, Eleanor Saitta <ella at dymaxion.org> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> On 2013.06.29 01.18, Matt Johnson wrote:
>> " Encryption meaningfully prevented a wiretap for the first time
>> ever in *2012* (or so we're told, for non-intelligence domestic US
>> wiretaps), and has only ever worked five times."
>> What are you referring to? Do you have a pointer to more
>> information? I am very curious.
>> http://www.uscourts.gov/Statistics/WiretapReports/wiretap-report-2012.aspx#sa5
>> E.
>> - --
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>> Alireza Mahdian
>> Department of Computer Science
>> University of Colorado at Boulder
>> Email: alireza.mahdian at gmail.com
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Alireza Mahdian
Department of Computer Science
University of Colorado at Boulder
Email: alireza.mahdian at gmail.com

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