[liberationtech] [cryptography] New Anonymity Network for Short Messages

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Wed Jun 12 04:03:26 PDT 2013

----- Forwarded message from "James A. Donald" <jamesd at echeque.com> -----

Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 15:45:16 +1000
From: "James A. Donald" <jamesd at echeque.com>
To: cryptography at randombit.net
Subject: Re: [cryptography] [liberationtech] New Anonymity Network for Short Messages
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On 2013-06-12 1:09 PM, Peter Gutmann wrote:
> Eugen Leitl <eugen at leitl.org> either writes or quotes:
>> ----- Forwarded message from Sean Cassidy <sean.a.cassidy at gmail.com> -----
>>> - Any specific reason you picked CTR?
>> CTR is widely recommended. Cryptography Engineering specifically recommends
>> it.
> Who recommends it (apart from CE?).  I've seen it warned about in a number of
> places, and I recommend (strongly) against it in my (still in-progress) book.
> It's the most dangerous encryption mode since RC4.
> More specifically, it's RC4 all over again.  There's a reason why that was
> dropped almost everywhere, for example the SDL explicitly bans it, and there's
> even a Visual Studio tool that scans your code and complains about its use.

I don't see this.  The problem, as with RC4, is if you re-use your counter.

Is there any encryption mode that works if you use it wrong?

cryptography mailing list
cryptography at randombit.net

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Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a> http://leitl.org
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