[liberationtech] Bush-Era Whistleblower Claims NSA Ordered Wiretap Of Barack Obama In 2004

Mike Perry mikeperry at torproject.org
Fri Jun 21 19:30:18 PDT 2013

> I have to admit, I find that rather amusing. I wonder if this is
> actually true and if it might change Obamas opinion on the surveillance
> machine. And if it does, how will he try to hide the obvious hypocrisy?

I used to think there was a possibility that surveillance would capture
our politicians through blackmail/etc. After seeing more and more of
these releases, I am becoming convinced that this *already happened*.

If they didn't capture Obama in this 2004 operation, capturing him later
wouldn't be terribly difficult. NSA: "You're the first black US
President, and you want to *dismantle* the domestic surveillance
operation that might prevent an assassination attempt on you or your
family by some moron redneck lunatic? Sure would be a shame if something
were to happen to you after that..."

I sure can understand his hesitance in the face of such a threat. I
don't envy him, that's for sure :/.
> Actually I have to say that I'm beginning to see the whole phenomenon
> developing around Snowdens leaks with a good dose of gallows humor.
> It's kind of slapstick-y that every time someone of the US government
> tries to justify all the surveillance, there seem to be three new
> stories popping up that elaborate on all the stuff they actually do;
> some of which even directly contradicts what those apologists claim.

I have noticed this pattern too. I think Snowden and his handlers at the
Guardian have a far more sophisticated PR and release timing strategy
than anyone has given them credit for (I'm referring to various
rumblings about their release of material at the end of the week,
questioning the value of the release of intel on US hacking, etc).

If there is to be a journalistic award for this work, it should not be
for any one story. The whole arc is magnificently directed.

Mike Perry

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