[liberationtech] Call for Participants @ Noisy Square - Putting the Resistance back in OHM

Lex van Roon r3boot at r3blog.nl
Tue Jun 25 04:37:56 PDT 2013

Full-Disclosure: Eventhough I am part of the OHM organisation, this email on a
personal note.

On 06/24/2013 23:35, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
> Jurre andmore:
> > Sorry, but why would 30c3 be this place and not any other venue in the
> > world? Without context this sounds silly.
> > 
> It was merely a suggestion and it is hardly without context.
> Any event or space that is willing to create an explicitly safe space
> for an open dialog is probably in a good position to host such a discussion.

When the current power structures start losing their power (as we see
happening in a couple of places around the globe), things will get very nasty.
Furthermore, this is not someting that you and/or I can solve on our own, or
OHM, or CCC/DEFCON or whatever group can solve on their own. This implies that
you will not be safe, regardless of the venue you're at.

If people want to take you down (and they know the key players, thnx prism :),
they will. This also implies that the whole discussion of OHM being a good
place or not is pretty irrelevant, and this makes the discussion sound more
like fear mongering, which is *exactly* the type of thing that our governments
are doing (fear mongering) to remove all of our civil rights. And you want to
apply that to OHM as well?

In my opinion, us (the people) being divided is whats taking away our power,
and that's imho much, MUCH more important then governments losing their
power and cracking down on us (the people) so that they can stay in
power. If we unite, we've got a chance of beating them. If we dont
unite, we will lose our freedom, thats how I see it. So how about we let go
of all the fearmongering and actually start talking with each other how to fix
the problems we're currently facing, instead of slinging (unfounded, imho)
mud around ..

gr, Lex
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