[liberationtech] Boundless Informant: the NSA's secret tool to track global surveillance data

Andrew Lewis me at andrewlew.is
Sat Jun 8 20:15:29 PDT 2013

I guess the question is still, is it just them using the already existing API's or do they have colocated sniffing tools?

On Jun 9, 2013, at 3:13 PM, Trevor Timm <trevor at eff.org> wrote:

> From the Washington Post, just published:
> "Intelligence community sources said that this description, although inaccurate from a technical perspective, matches the experience of analysts at the NSA. From their workstations anywhere in the world, government employees cleared for PRISM access may “task” the system and receive results from an Internet company without further interaction with the company’s staff."
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-company-officials-internet-surveillance-does-not-indiscriminately-mine-data/2013/06/08/5b3bb234-d07d-11e2-9f1a-1a7cdee20287_print.html
> On 6/8/13 8:10 PM, x z wrote:
>> 2013/6/8 Jacob Appelbaum <jacob at appelbaum.net>
>> Oh man, Glenn Greenwald is my hero and a hero to us all.
>> Do you still believe Glenn's reporting that NSA has "direct access to servers of firms including Google, Apple and Facebook"? In my view, he misled the world intentionally (the few prism training slides published did not seem to claim this). Glenn is at best a wacky journalist without common sense.
>> His reporting on the Verizon case was good, but I think his credibility bankrupted after the PRISM one.
>> Everyone on
>> this list who was looking for 'some evidence' about global surveillance
>> and previously ignored all other evidence, well, here you go!
>> "Revealed: The NSA's powerful tool for cataloguing data – including
>> figures on US collection"
>> http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/08/nsa-boundless-informant-global-datamining
>> This screenshot from the program is very web 2.0:
>> http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Guardian/Pix/pictures/2013/6/8/1370715185657/boundless-heatmap-large-001.jpg
>> The NSA is spying on the US and on the rest of the planet. There is no
>> ability to deny this anymore. Anyone who denies it is a complete moron.
>> I don't understand why this "evidence" is significant in any way. NSA certainly has lots of information, and a web2.0'ish tool is nothing surprising. It's rather moot to state "anyone who denies it is a complete moron". It's like the highway patrol keeping my driving record.
>> Again, I'm not rooting for NSA. I think its power need to be limited and it needs more transparency. But I hate using misinformation or hyperbole to achieve that goal. This hurts the credibility of all the pro-privacy groups in general.
>> All the best,
>> Jacob
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