[liberationtech] Subject: Hoping to learn more about the 2009 Iran Green Movement

Laurent Giacobino lgiacobino at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 01:53:49 PDT 2013

Hi Zak,

As far as I know, it is hard to have a thorough picture of what was used by
whom and when. Also, I am not too sure there is a common acknowledgement of
when the Green Movement went dim, or if the current opposition is still
somehow "it" or something that should be called differently.
Anyway, I think you will find very interesting bits and pieces in the list

   - The Agonistic Social Media: Cyberspace in the Formation of Dissent and
   Consolidation of State Power in Postelection Iran (2011), Babak Rahimi
   - Blogistan: The Internet and Politics in Iran, A. Sreberny, G. Khiabany
   (2010), particularly, Chapter 8, “The Summer of 2009”

   - UNESCO's Freedom of Expression, Freedom of Connection, p. 38 "Box 4.5b
   Twitter in the Iranian 2009 Election Protests"

   - (probably the most thorough) After the Green Movement, ONI

   - Freedom House's Freedom on the Net 2012
   - if you want to look at the current developments of the situation, you
   should also follow the "policy and infrastructure" reports from Small Media
   - and a more up to date picture of the user profiles:
   Abadpour/Anderson's "Fights, Adapts, Accepts: Archetypes of Iranian
   Internet Use"

That's about it at my end :).
That might cover more than what you want to look at, but you should find
relevant things in these works.

Hope that helps.
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