[liberationtech] Facebook blocking Tor ?
Wassim Ben Ayed
phoewass at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 08:42:49 PDT 2013
> Hi Libtech,
> Just saw this post a few minutes ago :
> http://arabcrunch.com/2013/06/facebook-blocks-log-ins-from-tor-browser-putting-thousands-of-political-activist-at-risk.html
> It looks like Facebook doesn't allow connections from Tor Browser
> anymore. (Just tried myself and couldn't connect, indeed). Considering
> the amount of activists using FB in Arabic countries, for instance,
> this is not a minor issue. Could this by any chance be something else
> than an intentional move, or do we have to consider that Facebook made
> a clear choice regarding the personal safety of its users ?
Hi Amaelle,
Actually, torproject had just published a blog post in which
they explain that Facebook is not blocking Tor deliberately, and they are
workin on the issue.
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