[liberationtech] Secure and Cheap Provider in Sweden or Iceland?
Mikael Nordfeldth
mmn at hethane.se
Thu Jun 13 14:20:51 PDT 2013
2013-06-13 20:51, Lorenzo Franceschi Bicchierai skrev:
> In lieu of the recent NSA leaks, I'm going to transfer my website to a
> new provider in either Sweden or Iceland (because well, you never know).
> Griffin Boyce suggested I use moln.is <http://moln.is>, do you guys have
> any other suggestion? Any other kind of advice?
Hi, another choice is to find someone in Sweden willing to be your proxy
to send an encased Raspberry Pi with installed SD card and power
cable/adapter to "FS Data", as they offer free (gratis) hosting with 1
Mb/s full duplex:
Info [Swedish]: https://fsdata.se/server/raspberry-pi-colocation/
Requirements: Only 1 per Swedish citizen. Case max size: 10x3x7 cm
You get: 1 routable, PTR:able IP (not IPv6 yet) and 100GB/month.
Even if they would quit this gratis service after a couple of months
(remember to keep backups ;)), it'd be worth the small cost of purchase
and shipping. Their official response on the company blog is however
that they're not going to end the gratis service in the foreseeable future.
I've no idea whether FS Data are devoted to good privacy policies or
anything. But then again, I don't think those things mean a whole lot
when dealing with third-party hosting anyway. Any profit-driven company
offering a service like this will either:
1) let the police take your computer when they come with a warrant.
2) be raided by the police so they get whichever computer they want.
(even Bahnhof, who many will probably recommend as they have managed to
pull several PR stunts on "privacy" and "integrity", are fully
commercial and won't stand up against the police if they have a warrant)
Another choice is just to move here. Thanks to our relatively high
taxes, we've got good healthcare and social security. You're very
welcome (and we currently are in need of some more people fighting for a
free internet, but no real panic just as of yet).
Mikael Nordfeldth
XMPP/mail: mmn at hethane.se
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