[liberationtech] Call for Participants @ Noisy Square - Putting the Resistance back in OHM

Jurre andmore drwhax at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 16:31:16 PDT 2013

Sorry, but why would 30c3 be this place and not any other venue in the
world? Without context this sounds silly.

2013/6/25 Jacob Appelbaum <jacob at appelbaum.net>

> phryk:
> > On Mon, 24 Jun 2013 21:17:16 +0000
> > Jacob Appelbaum <jacob at appelbaum.net> wrote:
> >
> >> This is a false dichotomy of an argument if ever I've heard one. I
> >> keep hearing it too. It bums me out to no end.
> >>
> >> I understand that removing ourselves from specific discussions removes
> >> our voices from those discussions. However, I see no reason why the
> >> greater discussion itself is confined to that specific space at that
> >> specific time. Who decided that? At best, we do when we engage with it
> >> despite very serious and very reasonable misgivings.
> >
> > Of course the greater discussion isn't confined to the OHM Camp but my
> > understanding is that the mentioned discussion is specific to that
> > event. And at least for me it will be also the next chance to meet any
> > of the people here.
> >
> A lot of the context is related but not entirely specific.
> >> We should work to create a space that is on level footing; we should
> >> not engage seriously with spaces that demonstrate otherwise so
> >> blatantly.
> >>
> >> I'm sure that OHM will be worth attending but let us not have the
> >> illusion that it presents an ideal safe space for such discussions.
> >> Let us also be clear that OHM is not the only place for such
> >> discussions nor is by any means the only place that the community is
> >> able to hold such discussions.
> >
> > Personally, I'm not aware of any place that would fit that description,
> > but it is at least a place where a bunch of the people here will be
> > able to meet in person.
> The 30th CCC Congress is likely to be such a space. Alternatively, we
> could create a new space that talks about the issues at hand.
> All the best,
> Jacob
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With kind regards,

Jurre van Bergen
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