[liberationtech] RapNews Summary - Whistleblower

sam de silva sam at media.com.au
Sat Jun 22 04:57:19 PDT 2013


Apologies if this has already been posted or you are aware of it:


I find some of the conversations on LibTech are fantastic, and others in la la land. There's a very very long way to go in terms of raising awareness of privacy rights. We often assume everyone will drop Skype because their privacy/security is at risk - but it's going to take a much better product to make people switch. Privacy/security alone may not tip usage.

We need to start explaining to the 5 year olds why it's problematic to share everything on the net, and get them to buy in to using tools that protect their privacy and increase their digital security.

Anyways - have a good weekend, 

best, Sam.

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