[liberationtech] DNI Clapper's NBC interview

Gregory Foster gfoster at entersection.org
Mon Jun 10 19:50:06 PDT 2013

Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Jun 10) - "Director 
James R. Clapper Interview with Andrea Mitchell, NBC News Chief Foreign 
Affairs Correspondent (Liberty Crossing, Tyson's Corner, VA: Jun 8, 1pm)":

NBC (Jun 8) - "Clapper: Surveillance leaks fallout is 'gut-wrenching'":

> Ms. Mitchell: Senator Wyden made quite a lot out of your exchange with 
> him last March during the hearings. Can you explain what you meant 
> when you said there was not data collection on millions of Americans?
> Director Clapper: First, as I said, I have great respect for Senator 
> Wyden. I thought though in retrospect I was asked when are you going 
> to start--stop beating your wife kind of question which is, meaning 
> not answerable necessarily, by a simple yes or no. So I responded in 
> what I thought was the most truthful or least most untruthful manner, 
> by saying, “No.” And again, going back to my metaphor, what I was 
> thinking of is looking at the Dewey Decimal numbers of those books in 
> the metaphorical library. To me collection of U.S. Persons data would 
> mean taking the books off the shelf, opening it up and reading it.

Amongst unrelated psychological hypotheses, I have encountered no better 
proof that the NSA's operating legal definition of the verb "to collect" 
stipulates a human being requesting specific information.  This is the 
legal cover NSA whistleblower Bill Binney has emphasized as enabling the 
NSA's automated *collection* of digital content.

And yes, Director Clapper compared the NSA's datastore to "an electronic 
library" - wherein you, and I, and all human beings are therefore: the 

Does Director Clapper know you cannot judge a book by its cover? ...

Gregory Foster || gfoster at entersection.org
@gregoryfoster <> http://entersection.com/

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