[liberationtech] eternity USENET (Re: Internet blackout)

Jonathan Wilkes jancsika at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 29 07:27:56 PDT 2013

On 06/29/2013 01:07 AM, Eleanor Saitta wrote:
> Hash: SHA256
> On 2013.06.28 21.02, Jonathan Wilkes wrote:
>> That's anecdotal evidence.
>> The vast majority of the smartphone userbase just learned the word
>> "meta-data" a few weeks ago.  The news about the scope of NSA
>> surveillance is revelatory to non-specialists. The scope of the
>> surveillance is unprecendented.  There are not yet any
>> peer-reviewed articles on how these revelations affect users'
>> relationship to their smartphones, nor how those relationships may
>> change as they more fully understand the dangers of wide-net
>> surveillance.
> It is, in fact, anecdotal evidence.  We may see a sudden and massive
> complete technology shift back ten years to where no one carries a
> smartphone.

It's not a simplistic choice between using modern devices and being a
Luddite.  It's about people having a better understanding about what
the threats are, digesting that information (unfortunately, slowly) and
then using tools to mitigate those threats or a (probably paid) expert
installing those tools for them.


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