[liberationtech] AdLeaks - a whistleblowing platform

Jens Christian Hillerup jens at hillerup.net
Sun Jun 23 01:15:13 PDT 2013

"We designed the AdLeaks system to work with partners who embed AdLeaks ads
or AdLeaks bugs into their web pages. Our ads contain code that encrypts an
empty message with the AdLeaks public key and sends the ciphertext back to
AdLeaks. This happens on all users' web browsers. A whistleblower's browser
substitutes the ciphertext with encrypted parts of a disclosure. The
protocol ensures that an adversary who can eavesdrop on the network
communication cannot distinguish between the transmissions of regular
browsers and those of whistleblowers' browsers. AdLeaks ads are
authenticated so that a whistleblower's browser can tell them apart from
other code. Consequently, whistleblowers never have to navigate to any
particular site to communicate with AdLeaks once our ads are sufficiently

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