[liberationtech] Oakland Cryptoparty This Sunday at 1pm

Ernad Halilovic ernadh at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 09:41:12 PDT 2013

Hello Rich,

First of all, thank you for all your valuable input on this list.

I wanted to ask you if you have any good resources on getting the hardware
ready for a complete move of operations out of the cloud.

Any pointers appreciated.

On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 6:20 PM, Rich Kulawiec <rsk at gsp.org> wrote:

> On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 05:30:55PM +0200, Eugen Leitl wrote:
> > Relying on your ISP-issued relay or your mail provider's
> > SMTP provides a convenient one-stop shop for information
> > collection. It is definitely possible and desirable for
> > small organisations and groups of users to run their own
> > SMTP servers, and potentially also IMAP servers.
> Yes, yes, and yes.  It's not that difficult to build a perfectly
> serviceable system to handle this out of cheap hardware and 100%
> open-source software.  Been there, done that, am writing the book.
> One of many possible recipes for this: some old disused box,
> OpenBSD, pf, sendmail, UW IMAP.  Another: Linux, iptables, postfix,
> dovecot.  That's all that's needed. [1]
> And for those organizations that need mailing list services: Mailman is
> the tool of choice.  (It runs this list.)  To an very good approximation,
> if you're trying to do something with a mailing list that Mailman doesn't
> do, what you have in mind is a bad idea.
> Now since I have (once again) opened my big mouth, I'll step up as well:
> if any organizations want to get their email out of the cloud/third
> parties,
> contact me off-list.  I have a pretty good stash of disused hardware
> that could be put to work -- better that it be used for good than
> gathering dust.
> ---rsk
> [1] Yes, including anti-abuse controls.  Proper configuration of the
> firewall and MTA deals with abuse beautifully and avoids the byzantine
> complexity (with accompanying brittleness) of more complex architectures.
> --
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