[liberationtech] Top four anti-surveillance apps | ZDNet

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Mon Jun 10 17:45:35 PDT 2013

I admire and respect Moxie and Whisper co very much, but if we are indeed worried about "metadata", then the current implementation of TextSecure does not help you at all. While the messages are encrypted, who you are texting and when, and generally the volume of what you are saying, or whether you are sending an SMS or MMS is clearly visible to mobile operators. This is not a bug, but an aspect of the reliance upon SMS service and not IP.

This hasn't stopped me from recommending TextSecure to many people, especially in places where mobile 3G is hard to come by.

It is critical, however, to understand and communicate to novice users how different countermeasures are effective against different types of threats and modes of surveillance.

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