[liberationtech] Yes, we scan!

fukami f at foo.io
Sun Jun 9 10:19:37 PDT 2013


a little bit OT, but I like to share this one with you: One of the German bloggers did a nice rework on Shepard Fairys poster of Obama "Yes we did": http://www.crackajack.de/2013/06/08/i-fixed-shepard-faires-obama-poster-to-fit-prism-also-happy-64th-george-orwells-1984/

The 1227x1658 version available here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nerdcoreblog/8989863112/sizes/o/

"Yes, we scan" will probably be used as one of the main slogans in protests against Obama when he will visiting Germany in 9 days. He has truly disappoint many many Germans, but it's a matter of fact that this whole story helps us a lot in some of the political discussions we have in Germany and the EU right now (i.e. EU regulations on data protection and data retention). 

Take care,

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