[liberationtech] eternity USENET (Re: Internet blackout)

Guido Witmond guido at witmond.nl
Fri Jun 28 12:56:55 PDT 2013

> I think the key is that it's time to *also* support the "average"
> user.  We can't stop working to create systems that are as secure as
> possible for the people who are directly targeted and whose lives are
> at risk -- but we also cannot only support that very motivated individual.
> If we can improve the baseline - making everyone more secure from a
> variety of threats, we start winning at a much longer-term game; and
> we make the extra mile that people on front line have to do to be even
> more secure a bit less challenging.
> This means tools have to be easier, and need to be usable at a basic
> level without training.  Is the level of security they'll be at good
> enough for {insert problematic context/country here} ? No, of course
> not, but it's a hell of a lot better than an unpatched WinXP box with
> out-of-date anti-virus and outlook express.
> I feel like the ladder for security tools is missing rungs on the
> bottom 2/3ds of it, and we're at an amazing (and frightening) point in
> history to build those rungs in.

Plugging my ideas again:

Eccentric-authentication.org  Not suitable for activists and
whistleblowers. Good enough for the common man and woman.

Available under AGPLv3.

Cheers, Guido.

PS with some help and financing it will be finished quicker.

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