[liberationtech] Oakland Cryptoparty This Sunday at 1pm

Eleanor Saitta ella at dymaxion.org
Fri Jun 14 09:34:42 PDT 2013

Hash: SHA256

On 2013.06.14 18.20, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> Now since I have (once again) opened my big mouth, I'll step up as
> well: if any organizations want to get their email out of the
> cloud/third parties, contact me off-list.  I have a pretty good
> stash of disused hardware that could be put to work -- better that
> it be used for good than gathering dust.

The issue with this approach is that maintaining infrastructure like
this takes an ongoing time commitment by someone who is clueful (and
thus at least moderately expensive for broke organizations where
everyone's constantly overworked), and that older hardware fails, and
keeping enough spares around to get reliability adds cost and
complexity again.

I'm (definitely) not saying this is a bad idea here, but it's
important to understand what the real costs look like for
organizations that may not natively have this talent, or where the
folks who are supposed to do the work also have other jobs.  For
instance, in every small org that I've seen that does development and
has infrastructure, infrastructure-only hires quickly get absorbed
into development work.

Running mail as reliably, securely, and conveniently as Google does
with GMail is actually hard; this is why it's achieved the popularity
it has, not just the cost.  I've watched many friends and orgs over
the past 9 years decide they just didn't have the time any more.


- -- 
Ideas are my favorite toys.
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