[liberationtech] Call for Papers: International Conference on Cyberwarfare and Security (ICCWS)
Michael Dahan
dahanm at gmail.com
Wed Jun 26 02:17:49 PDT 2013
Greetings,This may interest members of the list and I see it as an
opportunity to challenge some of the prevalent thinking and approaches
regarding the topics.
This is a SECOND call for papers for the *9th International Conference
on**Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS)
* which is being held at Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana,
USA on 24-25
March 2014.
This call will *close* on *2nd September 2013.*
In addition to the main conference topics below, the advisory group invites
submissions to the following mini tracks:
- *Managing Risk to Sourced Products in a Time of
- *Political and Social Aspects of Cyber War and
* ***
- *Intrusion detection systems: Detection of Deception*
- *Cyber Security, Cyberwar and Cyberlaw*
For more information please go to: http://academic-conferences.org/iciw
*Academic research, case studies and work-in-progress/posters are welcomed
approaches. PhD Research, proposals for roundtable discussions,
non-academic contributions and product demonstrations based on the main
themes are also invited.* *Please feel free to circulate this message to
any colleagues or contacts you think may be interested.*
*Subject to author registration and payment,** **Selected papers that have
been presented at the Conference will be considered for publication in a
special issue of the Journal of Information Warfare:
* and the **International Journal of Cyber Warfare and
* (IJCWT) published by Information Resources Management Association, USA**.
Additionally, selected papers from the conference will be considered for
publication in the **International Journal of Electronic Security and
Digital Forensics*<http://www.inderscience.com/browse/index.php?journalID=217&year=2007&vol=1&issue=1>
* published by Inderscience UK.*
* *
*The Proceedings have an ISSN, ISBN and will be submitted for indexing in
the Thompson Web of Science, **The ISTP/ISI Proceedings, The ISSHP, The
ISSHP/ISI Proceedings,* *The Institution of Engineers and Technology in the
UK (INSPEC); The EBSCO database, Google Books and Google Scholar.*
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