[liberationtech] Cryptocat: Translation Volunteers Needed

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Mon Jun 10 17:26:24 PDT 2013

On 11.06.2013 02:21, Catherine Roy wrote:
>> We have a ticket open for Opera compatibility in our code base. If
>> you'd like to, you can contribute to Cryptocat for Opera development
>> here:
> I am not a developer. Must we all be developers to have a significant
> influence on these types of issues ?

In capitalism, you can also pay someone to do it for you.

Given that Opera has roughly 1-2% market share, only introduced plugins
(too) late, and now decided to switch to Webkit in the future, why would
there be much incentive for anyone to support a more-or-less legacy
browser? It involves a lot of work.

Moritz Bartl

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