[liberationtech] Use of PRISM corporations by social activists & campaigns

Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes alps6085 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 10 11:39:49 PDT 2013

OK, but now "the government" knows you're one of them "faux cheerful
do-gooders!" xd
Best Regards | Cordiales Saludos | Grato,

Andrés L. Pacheco Sanfuentes
<alps at acm.org>
+1 (817) 271-9619

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 1:26 PM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu> wrote:
> From: Charles Lenchner <clenchner at organizing20.org>, the well known sell out
> and corporate shill from Organizing 2.0
> I'll never give up using FB and gmail. I want the government to know what
> I'm up to at all times so it's completely transparent and I'll never be
> suspected of anything.
> Then, if I want to cause mayhem, I'll use all those Tor/darknet/burner phone
> stuff on the side.
> Switching now would just make me look suspicious!
> Serious revolutionaries need to appear to be cheerful do-gooders.
> Charles
> --
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