[liberationtech] Help Testing & Compare the new vs old Tor Browser Bundle Project

Moritz Bartl moritz at torservers.net
Tue Jun 18 10:00:34 PDT 2013


On 18.06.2013 17:50, Randolph D. wrote:> old Version:
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/torbrowser/

This is not an "old version". It was never official, and the author has
no interest in talking to the Tor developer team, or writing a detailed
spec such as https://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser/design/ that
exists for the official Tor Browser.

All in all, it is up to the (hopefully educated) user to choose between
the one that is built by a group of people with known background and
experience, or something released by a single person under pseudonym,
violating the Tor trademark and confusing users like you.

> I think the new one looks great, I just searched for the Start and
> Stop button.

There is no safe way to combine a non-Tor browser with a Tor browser
just yet. For quite some time now, Tor Browser decided to thus get rid
of the option to Start or Stop. Especially now that Tor is "integrated
in the Tor Browser", and starts when you start the browser and stops
when you stop the browser, why should there be separate buttons?!

> It gives less control to the user, if not already familiar with it.

The user expects an application to start when they run it, and stop when
they close it, no?

> Furthermore Firefox was sponsored from Google, who knows, if they are
> not as well in the Project of Prism? Why not using an open source
> security browser?

Firefox is open source. Chrome is a potential choice, but there's a
number of issues that would need to be fixed in the Chrome source before
it can be used for a safe browser. There's not enough developers to
support multiple browsers, or dedicate time to implement missing
features in Chrome.

> The Vidalia Plugin allows for Qt a smooth process with all GUI details
> the user knows already.

Usability studies show, quite expectedly, that many users are confused
by separate applications. Most users just don't need all the extra
features that are present in Vidalia. On MacOS, for example, the GUI
adds *both* Vidalia and the browser component to a launch area: many
users then start just the browser, which fails because Tor is not running.

> Any comments in the regard of how trustful Mozilla is today?

Look for the real conspiracies and economical dependencies, rather than
implying that Google, one of the *victims* of PRISM et al, sponsors a
piece of software (just) to force it to add some sort of backdoor.

Moritz Bartl

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