[liberationtech] eternity USENET (Re: Internet blackout)

Eleanor Saitta ella at dymaxion.org
Fri Jun 28 09:28:55 PDT 2013

Hash: SHA256

On 2013.06.28 04.21, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 04:56:24PM +0100, Michael Rogers wrote:
>> I agree - "no smartphones" is sound advice. "No phones" is even 
>> better. But the problem is, nobody follows that advice. So we
>> have to be pragmatic.
> [snip insightful comments]
> I would like to agree with you -- and in part, I do.
> But I'll suggest that the yardstick for "pragmatic" has moved 
> considerably during the last few weeks.

And yet, the yardstick for what users will accept hasn't moved more
than a half inch.  Yes, we're going to get more people to try to use
better tools now.  They'll still fail, because the tools still aren't
designed for them and they still do actually have other jobs to do.
We're exceptionally unlikely to get people to stop carrying entire
classes of devices most of the time when they still live in a world
which all-but-requires you to carry them.

Did you know that there's a private bus line going in in San Francisco
that you can't ride without an iPhone?  Now, what was that again about
telling people to not carry phones?

I understand very well that giving people advice that is insufficient
isn't acceptable.  However, giving people advice they're going to
ignore wastes their time, destroys your ability to be an adviser on
issues where they might take your advice, and doesn't result in any
better outcomes.

We as the security community need to stop doing this and come up with
a third option that understands that our users have multiple
priorities.  If we don't want to understand the world our users live
in and their needs, we might as well all fuck off to a cave somewhere.


- -- 
Ideas are my favorite toys.
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