[liberationtech] Query on implications of dragnet eavesdropping

Griffin Boyce griffinboyce at gmail.com
Fri Jun 21 10:38:40 PDT 2013

Louis Suárez-Potts <luispo at gmail.com> wrote:

> > My understanding is that the TSA archives but does not examine the data
> except under specific FISA searches.  This is their justification that it
> isn't really domestic spying, because it's a fossil record of the data,
> like archive.org for every stream, and they just want to be able to go
> back into that snapshot and get what they want.
> Yes, I understand that, and that also shields them (or any other agency)
> from knowing too much (and thus having to act on that information). "Too
> much" would include material not strictly relevant to their remit.

"We're concerned about terrorists using PGP. Give us all emails that
include the phrase "BEGIN PGP MESSAGE" in all caps."
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