[liberationtech] Help test the new Tor Browser!

Masayuki Hatta mhatta at gmail.com
Tue Jun 18 05:24:14 PDT 2013


Now the new TBB works nicely for me, and I love it.  One regret is UI
messages are not translated into Japanese...actually, the messages seems to
be already translated(
https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/torproject/language/ja/), but somehow
it doesn't show up (messages in the installer is translated, btw).  Is
there anything I can help?

Best regards,

2013/6/17 Jacob Appelbaum <jacob at appelbaum.net>

> Hi,
> I'm really excited to say that Tor Browser has had some really important
> changes. Mike Perry has really outdone himself - from deterministic
> builds that allow us to verify that he is honest to actually having
> serious usability improvements. I really mean it - the new TBB is
> actually awesome. It is blazing fast, it no longer has the sometimes
> confusing Vidalia UI, it is now fast to start, it now has a really nice
> splash screen, it has a setup wizard - you name it - nearly everything
> that people found difficult has been removed, replaced or improved.
> Hooray for Mike Perry and all that helped him!
> Here is Mike's email:
>  https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2013-June/028440.html
> Here is the place to download it:
>  https://people.torproject.org/~mikeperry/tbb-3.0alpha1-builds/official/
> Please test it and please please tell us how we might improve it!
> All the best,
> Jacob
> --
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Masayuki Hatta
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, Surugadai
University, Japan


mhatta at gnu.org  / mhatta at debian.org / mhatta at opensource.jp /
hatta.masayuki at surugadai.ac.jp
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