[liberationtech] Secure tools for communications - Is there a wiki ..?

Robert Guerra rguerra at privaterra.org
Sat Jun 8 11:11:00 PDT 2013

Having an aggregated list,  with clear caveats of course, might be helpful given the recent news about the NSA surveillance programs.

I know of the following wiki that was setup a while ago to aggregate and list secure voice over IP (VoIP) alternative to skype. Are there others say for email, file sharing/storing, disk encryption, etc




R. Guerra
Phone/Cell: +1 202-905-2081
Twitter: twitter.com/netfreedom 
Email: rguerra at privaterra.org

On 2013-06-08, at 1:14 PM, Eleanor Saitta wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On 2013.06.07 10.08, Robert Guerra wrote:
>> The frequent mention of tools for secure communications, leads me
>> to ask - is there an updated wiki that this community (and perhaps
>> others) can maintain. It serve as a resource for not only listing
>> tools, but also a place to aggregate the analysis and comments from
>> security experts
>> If such a list doesn't exist, then I would like to encourage such a
>> resource to be setup.
> The Open Integrity Index will (in part) do exactly this, coming later
> this year.
> E.
> - -- 
> Ideas are my favorite toys.
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