[liberationtech] Cryptocat: Translation Volunteers Needed

Tim Dittler dittler at informatik.hu-berlin.de
Wed Jun 12 00:59:23 PDT 2013

I would sincerely like to apologize to Catherine for this incredibly embarrassing episode.
It is absurd, that you Nadim confront Jacob in another thread because of aggressiveness and now especially put down a woman in this way.


On 06/12/2013 01:51 AM, Nadim Kobeissi wrote:
> I would sincerely like to apologize to the LibTech community for this incredibly embarrassing episode.
> NK
> On 2013-06-11, at 6:56 PM, Catherine Roy <ecrire at catherine-roy.net> wrote:
>> On 11/06/2013 5:54 PM, Andy Isaacson wrote:
>>> The amount of work you're demanding (and yes, your first public post did come across as, arguably, demanding; and you doubled down when Nadim pushed back)
>> I suggest you read my first email again. I did not "demand" anything. I asked why Opera was not supported. If someone had bothered to give me the reasons that you offered in your message instead of a) ignoring me, b) insulting me off-list, c) claiming that n% of users (roughly over 200 million) was not worth the trouble and/or d) telling me to just contribute code (as if everyone can just do that in the real world), this discussion would likely have gone very differently.
>> I feel that this discussion has become quite off-topic and much too personal so I will not be commenting again on this subject. I am however available for discussions off-line, provided that they are respectful and constructive.
>> Best regards,
>> Catherine
>> -- 
>> Catherine Roy
>> http://www.catherine-roy.net
>> --
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