[liberationtech] FT: Companies scramble for consumer data (personal data are so cheap... why bother to protect them)
lilbambi at gmail.com
Fri Jun 14 12:29:09 PDT 2013
Thanks for passing these articles on Yosem! Much appreciated.
On Fri, Jun 14, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>wrote:
> From: Toon Vanagt <toon.vanagt at casius.com>
> I stumbled on this FT article with 'volume pricing' for personal data and
> a convenient estimation tool:
> http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/f0b6edc0-d342-11e2-b3ff-00144feab7de.html#axzz2W5QWgUuR
> Basically, if you're a millionaire, your personal data is worth about $
> 0.123 (if you're not, you start at: $ 0.007).
> The FT has build an interactive data value estimation tool. For example by
> adding ADHD to my profile I gained a stunning $ 0.200. Consider it extra
> money for 'salting data set' :)
> 3 Quick thoughts:
> "The Financial Times will not collect, store or share the data users input
> into the calculator." Despite this disclaimer I wonder what the FT really
> does with the harvested data on its web servers or considered the risk of
> 'leaking logs'? At the end of their 'game', I'm invited to share my private
> 'data worth' on Twitter, which exposes how much Marketers would pay
> approximately for your data: and conveniently allows third parties to
> identify me... When linked with their identifiable FT subscriber profile,
> there's no need for a tweet to link the results to a person.
> Check https://twitter.com/search?q=%23FTdataworth&src=typd <- public
> search result. Great for marketeers. Also has the potential to reverse
> engineer profiles..
> Prices in the article & calculator seem very low and suggest that your
> 'personal data' are not really valuable to companies in a consumer society
> That is if you're not obese, don't subscribe to a gym, don't own a
> plane... Due to competition the broker prices are said to trending towards
> 'worthless'.. Data brokers seem to suggest we should not bother to protect
> something of so little economic value...
> Let me know if my reading between the lines is wrong.
> Does anybody know about a personal data value calculator that is not based
> on broker volume pricing, but reveals how much companies pay for qualified
> leads in different industries (mortgage, insurance, cruise travel, fitness,
> car test drive, hotel booking,...) The outcome of such an 'intent cast
> valuator' would be much higher and more of an economic incentive to raise
> awareness of data value.
> Cheers,
> @Toon
> --
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