[liberationtech] PrivateCore and secure hosting

Eleanor Saitta ella at dymaxion.org
Fri Jun 21 13:32:14 PDT 2013

Hash: SHA256

On 2013.06.20 22.55, Steve Weis wrote:
> Hi Eleanor. I am a co-founder of PrivateCore and happy to answer 
> questions. I'll keep it non-commercial and focus on the technical 
> answers for this mailing list:

Thanks for responding!

> "[It isn't] clear how the initial keying is performed"
> ...Please let me know if you have more questions.

To have a secure channel between two processes/compartments (in this
case, the CPU of the hosted machine and the remote,
non-service-provider-controlled system), they must share a secret.
Just encrypting local system memory with a key generated on the CPU
doesn't permit secure communication - e.g., you have no way of getting
data in and out of the compartment.  Doing computation on known inputs
where trojaned hardware can read both the input data and the code
isn't useful, because the work can just be done in parallel by your
adversary.  So, to provide useful benefit, I assume you must have a
method for secret-sharing between processes/compartments.  What is it?


- -- 
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