[liberationtech] What's New On The Spies Without Borders Series?

Katitza Rodriguez katitza at eff.org
Sat Jun 15 08:26:04 PDT 2013


Much of the U.S. media coverage of the NSA revelations has concentrated 
on its impact on the constitutional rights of U.S. Internet users. 
But what about the billions of Internet users around the world whose 
private information is stored in U.S. servers, or whose data travels 
across U.S. networks? Below you will find a series of articles looking 
into how the information disclosed in the NSA leaks affect the 
international community and how they highlight one part of an 
international system of surveillance that dissolves what national 
privacy protections any of us have, whereever we live.

Spies Without Borders II: Foreign Surveillance Post-9/11. By Tamir 
Israel (CIPPIC), Katitza Rodriguez (EFF), Mark Rumold (EFF)

Spies Without Borders III: Modern Foreign Surveillance - A Legal 
Perspective. By Tamir Israel (CIPPIC), Katitza Rodriguez (EFF), Mark 
Rumold (EFF),

Spies Without Borders I: Using Domestic Networks to Spy on the World. By 
Tamir Israel (CIPPIC) and Katitza Rodriguez (EFF)

International Customers: It's Time to Call on US Internet Companies to 
Demand Accountability and Transparency (Eva Galperin, EFF)

The full series is here:

Katitza Rodriguez
International Rights Director
Electronic Frontier Foundation
katitza at eff.org
katitza at datos-personales.org (personal email)

Please support EFF - Working to protect your digital rights and freedom of speech since 1990

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