[liberationtech] Stop promoting Skype

Eugen Leitl eugen at leitl.org
Fri Jun 7 05:48:58 PDT 2013

On Fri, Jun 07, 2013 at 08:32:36AM -0400, Rich Kulawiec wrote:
> These revelations constitute an existence proof that the number
> of backdoors in various services is nonzero.
> There's no reason to believe that this nonzero value is 1.

It is prudent to believe that the value is exactly one.
This particular disclosure is a merely another data point.
We didn't need it in order to assume the value is exactly one.
> After, if the NSA could backdoor them (with or without their cooperation)
> then why couldn't MI6?  Or Mossad?  Or some other entity, which may or

We expect that each intelligence agency attempts to tap and monitor
according to their abilities and budget. It's obvious that
UKUSA members are special in the extent of space they
monitor and the budget they command, and how many vassals 
they've browbeat into co-operation (e.g. almost the entire 
Europe is basically a puppet regime with no sovereignity
in key matters). 

> may not be a national intelligence service?

Why, we must assume that everything that goes over the
wire will be analyzed in realtime, and a fair fraction
(in some cases, all of it) will be stored indefinitely,
and data-mined. We also know that the CA trust model is broken,
so unless you roll your own certs all that traffic
is only a few computations away from being cleartext.
> There's also no reason to believe that this practice is limited to the US.

Of course not. It's funny how USians always think it's
everything always just about them.

There are 7 gigamonkeys on this planet. Tracking 7 Gentities
in realtime is not that hard of a job. Does anyone think that
intelligence services are not doing their job? 

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