[liberationtech] NSA flag terms

Shava Nerad shava23 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 07:45:33 PDT 2013

Also, just as an interesting observation, there are a number of text memes
running around now that claim to jam the NSA.  You may have seen one that
refers to "overthrow my boss," for example.

These are kind of like Mad Libs (tm) incorporating these likely (dare I
say) false flag lists of keywords.

And of course, they work about as well as a mouse giving an owl the finger.

Because as soon as a sigfile, form email, or any standard text is
recognized as being harmless bullshit, the most it will do is flag that
individual as oppositional.  The text itself is not jamming anything any
more than an entry in Google's SEO jams anything.

Which does bring us to an interesting question.  In the interest of not
being evil, whose search technology do you figure the feds are employing to
sift through this largest spy data repository in the world?

I have my guess.

"Don't be evil.  Let other people do it for you."



Shava Nerad
shava23 at gmail.com
On Jun 19, 2013 9:40 AM, "Griffin Boyce" <griffinboyce at gmail.com> wrote:

> Michael Azarkevich <michael.azarkevich at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I find it hard to believe the list is authentic. It has words like
>> "Java", "Quiche" and "Redheads" for gods sake. Also, they misspelled the
>> name of the Israeli equivalent of the Navy SEALS (They wrote "Shayet-13"
>> instead of "Shayetet-13").
>> The NSA aren't stupid, they're running the biggest spying operation in
>> the world. I know size doesn't imply competency but I'm inclined to believe
>> they know what they're doing.
>> The list is, in all probability, fake.
> Well, sure. A coworker mentioned that it strongly resembles the output
> from the emacs "spook" command. ;-)
> ~Griffin
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