[liberationtech] NSA flag terms

micah micah at riseup.net
Wed Jun 19 10:57:46 PDT 2013

Griffin Boyce <griffinboyce at gmail.com> writes:

> Michael Azarkevich <michael.azarkevich at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I find it hard to believe the list is authentic. It has words like "Java",
>> "Quiche" and "Redheads" for gods sake. Also, they misspelled the name of
>> the Israeli equivalent of the Navy SEALS (They wrote "Shayet-13" instead of
>> "Shayetet-13").
>> The NSA aren't stupid, they're running the biggest spying operation in the
>> world. I know size doesn't imply competency but I'm inclined to believe
>> they know what they're doing.
>> The list is, in all probability, fake.
> Well, sure. A coworker mentioned that it strongly resembles the output from
> the emacs "spook" command. ;-)

Actually, it is markedly different from M-x spook:


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