[liberationtech] OHM2013 Hacker Camp: Five Whistleblowing Lectures

Griffin Boyce griffinboyce at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 08:57:11 PDT 2013

Hi Fabio et al,

  My talk is about computer forensics, but many of the examples used are
specific to whistleblowing.  I will also be giving at least one short
workshop on document forensics specifically.

Keep an eye out for  "Do You Want To Know A Secret: A Brief History of
Computer Forensics"

  And I will be in Noisy Square as well, hacking on stuff and cooking
(though perhaps not in that space). =)

Griffin Boyce

Just another hacker in the City of Spies.
#Foucault / PGP: 0xAE792C97 / OTR: saint at jabber.ccc.de

My posts, while frequently amusing, are not representative of the thoughts
of my employer.
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