March 2012 Archives by subject
Starting: Thu Mar 1 01:58:51 PST 2012
Ending: Sat Mar 31 11:33:02 PDT 2012
Messages: 286
- [liberationtech] "Communities: Real and Imagined"
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [liberationtech] "Free the Network"
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] "Microvolunteering and Crowd-Sourcing: Not-So-New Trends in Virtual Volunteering / Online Volunteering"
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [liberationtech] (DRAFT) Assessing Treasury's March 2012 Interpretive Guidance and Statement of Licensing Policy
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] 2012 Africa Workshop: Call for Applications
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] 2012 Cyber Dialogue forum - Conference Briefs now online
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] [EFFA Discuss] FCC requesting comments on BART cellphone shutdown policy
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] [was Secure hosted mail, now: AutonomyCentral by Valeso]
R. P. Ruiz
- [liberationtech] About syria and western intervention
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
- [liberationtech] About syria and western intervention
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] About syria and western intervention
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
- [liberationtech] About syria and western intervention
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] About syria and western intervention
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] About syria and western intervention
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] About syria and western intervention
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
- [liberationtech] About syria and western intervention
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] About syria and western intervention - the arab view in detail
M Al-Masani
- [liberationtech] ACM DEV & ICTD 2012 Facebook group
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Agency Salon, 3pm today in SF
Leif Ryge
- [liberationtech] Announcing Stanford Conference on Democratic Transition and Development April 26-27
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Anyone working on ICTs for employability
Katy P
- [liberationtech] Applications Open for ISOC Next Generation Leaders eLearning program: “Shaping the Net – History & Futures”
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Are the Syria Tracker instructions putting people at risk? was Re: Crisis Mapping Syria: Automated Data Mining & Crowdsourced Human Intelligence
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Ashoka's new social innovation platform
Tahira Adaya
- [liberationtech] Atlantic: How Western Tech Firms Are Helping Arab Dictators
Kevin Hsu
- [liberationtech] BBC programme on Wikileaks
- [liberationtech] BBC programme on Wikileaks
minna aslama
- [liberationtech] BBC programme on Wikileaks
- [liberationtech] Blogged: So, what about Cybercrime in Switzerland? A visit to KOBIK
Moritz Bartl
- [liberationtech] Buffoons stepping all over my privacy with muddy boots
The Dod
- [liberationtech] Buffoons stepping all over my privacy with muddy boots
Renee Lloyd
- [liberationtech] Buffoons stepping all over my privacy with muddy boots
John Graham-Cumming
- [liberationtech] Buffoons stepping all over my privacy with muddy boots
The Dod
- [liberationtech] Buffoons stepping all over my privacy with muddy boots
The Dod
- [liberationtech] Buffoons stepping all over my privacy with muddy boots
M. Fioretti
- [liberationtech] Call for Joint Statement- NGOS: Pakistan Internet Censorship Campaign Update
Sana Saleem
- [liberationtech] Call for Joint Statement- NGOS: Pakistan Internet Censorship Campaign Update
Sana Saleem
- [liberationtech] Call for Joint Statement- NGOS: Pakistan Internet Censorship Campaign Update
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Call for Proposals: Swedish Special Initiative for Democratisation and Freedom of Expression
Pernilla Näsfors
- [liberationtech] Censorship and deletion practices in Chinese social media
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] CfP: 2nd Workshop on Free and Open Communications on the Internet (FOCI)
Joss Wright
- [liberationtech] Crisis Mapping Syria: Automated Data Mining & Crowdsourced Human Intelligence
Patrick Meier (Ushahidi)
- [liberationtech] Water Project
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Death of a data haven: cypherpunks, WikiLeaks, and the world's smallest nation
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] decentralized DNS...
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] decentralized DNS... What's the state of DNSSEC implementation by those on this list.. ?
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] decentralized DNS... What's the state of DNSSEC implementation by those on this list.. ?
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] decentralized DNS... What's the state of DNSSEC implementation by those on this list.. ?
Bill Woodcock
- [liberationtech] decentralized DNS... What's the state of DNSSEC implementation by those on this list.. ?
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] decentralized DNS... What's the state of DNSSEC implementation by those on this list.. ?
Seth David Schoen
- [liberationtech] decentralized DNS... What's the state of DNSSEC implementation by those on this list.. ?
James Losey
- [liberationtech] decentralized DNS... What's the state of DNSSEC implementation by those on this list.. ?
Seth David Schoen
- [liberationtech] decentralized DNS... What's the state of DNSSEC implementation by those on this list.. ?
James Losey
- [liberationtech] decentralized DNS... What's the state of DNSSEC implementation by those on this list.. ?
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] decentralized DNS... What's the state of DNSSEC implementation by those on this list.. ?
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
Patrick Meier (Ushahidi)
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
Isaac Wilder
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
ale fernandez
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
Edward Nanno
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
Andre Rebentisch
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
The Doctor
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones
Allucquere Rosanne Stone
- [liberationtech] Drones At Home
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Drupal Web Developer / PHP Programmer / Linux Systems Administrator
Vasili Arkhipov
- [liberationtech] Endless Mobile, Mobile Computing for the Developing World
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] English Version of How to Tweet from Cuba
diani barreto
- [liberationtech] English Version of How to Tweet from Cuba
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] English Version of How to Tweet from Cuba
Jesse Young
- [liberationtech] ethical/legal issues around Reclaim UCSD "virtual sit-in" ?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] ethical/legal issues around Reclaim UCSD "virtual sit-in" ?
Meredith L. Patterson
- [liberationtech] EVENT: Having Your Say Online: The People's Voice in Authoritarian Contexts in DC 3/27
Katy Pearce ucsb
- [liberationtech] EVENT: Having Your Say Online: The People's Voice in Authoritarian Contexts in DC 3/27
Katy P
- [liberationtech] Flying Drones Perform James Bond Theme At TED
Mark Gould
- [liberationtech] Flying Drones Perform James Bond Theme At TED
Doug Schuler
- [liberationtech] Fruits of this morning's labors: a sequence...
Yishay Mor (Google+)
- [liberationtech] FW: [EL] CFP for EVT/WOTE 2012 now available...
David Jandura
- [liberationtech] Fw: Part time opportunity for web designer - education + social innovation platform
Sam King
- [liberationtech] Fwd: [H-NATIONALISM] Wikipedia Class Assignments
Katy Pearce ucsb
- [liberationtech] Fwd: [hci4d] ICT4D research fellowship at UN University in Macau
Yishay Mor
- [liberationtech] Fwd: A list of references on social media and civic activism
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Call for Joint Statement- NGOS: Pakistan Internet Censorship Campaign Update
Sana Saleem
- [liberationtech] Fwd: FW: Message from Assistant Secretary Ann Stock: TechWomen Application!
Lina Srivastava
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Plans for the Internet Firewall of Pakistan
Adrian Hong
- [liberationtech] Fwd: SEED Phd Mixer on Wednesday March 21st from 3:30-4:30pm
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Fwd: TechWomen
Lina Srivastava
- [liberationtech] Fwd: Thoughts on decentralized DNS, and OpenNIC particularly?
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] Gates calls for new innovations to optimize immunization systems
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Global INET
- [liberationtech] Hackerbus: First Tour Dates: Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal
Moritz Bartl
- [liberationtech] Hackerbus: First Tour Dates: Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal
Doug Schuler
- [liberationtech] Have you all heard about this story?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] High Stakes: Designing a Privacy Preserving Registry
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] IDG: Vodafone Protects Smartphone Communications With 'Secure SIM'
Cyrus Farivar
- [liberationtech] IDG: Vodafone Protects Smartphone Communications With 'Secure SIM'
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
- [liberationtech] IGF12-Baku / Call for Workshop Proposals / April 12 Deadline (15 days and counting)
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] Information Operations and Tibetan Rights in the Wake of Self-Immolations: Part I
Ron Deibert
- [liberationtech] Innovation and Counter-Innovation: Digital Resistance in Russia
Patrick Meier (Ushahidi)
- [liberationtech] Innovation in Open Networks & MIT Media Lab * 4:15PM, Wed Mar 7, 2012 in Skilling Auditorium
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Internship & Job openings in Vietnam
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Intro + a selection of recent links
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] Iran's Internet censorship tightens ahead of elections [Farivar]
Cyrus Farivar
- [liberationtech] jamming satellite phones in Homs
- [liberationtech] jamming satellite phones in Homs
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] JOB: Volunteer opportunity in VN
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] join us at InfoCamp Berkeley: Saturday, March 17
Sara Cambridge
- [liberationtech] Kill the Messenger: What Russia taught Syria
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] Kill the Messenger: What Russia taught Syria
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Kill the Messenger: What Russia taught Syria
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Kill the Messenger: What Russia taught Syria
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Kill the Messenger: What Russia taught Syria
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] Kill the Messenger: What Russia taught Syria
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Kill the Messenger: What Russia taught Syria
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Kill the Messenger: What Russia taught Syria
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] liberationtech-jobs Digest, Vol 1, Issue 2
liberationtech-jobs-request at
- [liberationtech] liberationtech-jobs Digest, Vol 1, Issue 3
liberationtech-jobs-request at
- [liberationtech] Liberationtech-Jobs Now Live!
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] liberationtech Digest, Vol 94, Issue 2
Catherine Fitzpatrick
- [liberationtech] Liberationtech List Settings
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Link to paper I published recently against ALL electronic voting machines: IN HONOR OF THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE WISCONSIN UPRISING, February 11, 2011. WISCONSIN: THE NEW FLORIDA AND OHIO?
Sheila Parks
- [liberationtech] Looking for Academics, Economists & Business School Lecturers: Pakistan's Firewall: Need your help and support
Sana Saleem
- [liberationtech] LT-Jobs List?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] LT-Jobs List?
ale fernandez
- [liberationtech] LT-Jobs List?
- [liberationtech] LT-Jobs List?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] LT-Jobs List?
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] LT-Jobs List?
Graham Webster
- [liberationtech] LT-Jobs List?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] LT-Jobs List?
Simon Phipps
- [liberationtech] LT-Jobs List?
Fran Parker
- [liberationtech] Mapping Tech Support for Global Civil Society
Susannah Vila
- [liberationtech] mLearn 2012 Call for Workshops and Tutorials
Yishay Mor
- [liberationtech] New Posting From Yoani Sanchez How to Tweet from Cuba (Okhin)
diani barreto
- [liberationtech] New Posting From Yoani Sanchez How to Tweet from Cuba (Okhin)
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] New Posting From Yoani Sanchez How to Tweet from Cuba (Okhin)
Martyn Williams
- [liberationtech] New Posting of Yoani Sánchez' How to Tweet from Cuba due to unsuccessful link
diani barreto
- [liberationtech] New Posting of Yoani Sánchez' How to Tweet from Cuba due to unsuccessful link
- [liberationtech] New Posting of Yoani Sánchez' How to Tweet from Cuba due to unsuccessful link
- [liberationtech] New Posting of Yoani Sánchez' How to Tweet from Cuba due to unsuccessful link
- [liberationtech] New Posting of Yoani Sánchez' How to Tweet from Cuba due to unsuccessful link
- [liberationtech] New Posting of Yoani Sánchez' How to Tweet from Cuba due to unsuccessful link
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] New Satphone Safety Guide
Jacob Appelbaum
- [liberationtech] New Tutorial in English: "How to send fotos & videos from a Cuban cell phone" by Yoani Sánchez
diani barreto
- [liberationtech] New Tutorial in English: "How to send fotos & videos from a Cuban cell phone" by Yoani Sánchez
- [liberationtech] New Tutorial in English: "How to send fotos & videos from a Cuban cell phone" by Yoani Sánchez
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] No Saudi Spring
David Johnson
- [liberationtech] No Saudi Spring
James Losey
- [liberationtech] No Saudi Spring
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] Pakistan's Firewall: Need your help and support
Sana Saleem
- [liberationtech] Pakistan's Firewall: Need your help and support
Sana Saleem
- [liberationtech] Pakistan Firewall
nighat at
- [liberationtech] Pakistan Internet Filtering Scare: Citizens await answers
nighat at
- [liberationtech] Participate in Google Summer of Code 2012
- [liberationtech] Participate in Google Summer of Code 2012
Damian Johnson
- [liberationtech] Participation Registration for the Conference "Critique, Democracy and Philosophy in 21st Century Information Society"
Christian Fuchs
- [liberationtech] Pirate Bay turns to drones
David Johnson
- [liberationtech] Pirate Bay turns to drones
David Johnson
- [liberationtech] Pirate Bay turns to drones
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] Pirate Bay turns to drones
ChaTo (Carlos Alberto Alejandro CASTILLO Ocaranza)
- [liberationtech] Pirate Bay turns to drones
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] Pirate Bay turns to drones
- [liberationtech] Pirate Bay turns to drones
- [liberationtech] Pirate Bay turns to drones
Miles Fidelman
- [liberationtech] Pirate Bay turns to drones
Bruce Potter at IRF
- [liberationtech] Please like our Knight Foundation grant app
Andrew Mallis
- [liberationtech] Practice meets research: Technology and democracy in South Asia workshop
S Vivek
- [liberationtech] Privacy/human rights legal scholar (U.S. national) in MX seekiing advice re. whether work/activities constitute "political activity"
Lisa Brownlee
- [liberationtech] Radio Rakambia
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Recent Malware in Syria
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] Recent Malware in Syria
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] Recent Malware in Syria
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] Recent Malware in Syria
Susanne Fischer
- [liberationtech] Recent Malware in Syria
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] Recent Malware in Syria
- [liberationtech] Recent Malware in Syria
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Recent Malware in Syria
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] Recent Malware in Syria
Rafal Rohozinski
- [liberationtech] Reminder: CFP- Policy and Internet Special issue on 'Online Collective Action and Policy Change'
Calderaro, Andrea
- [liberationtech] Request: Contact Secretary of IT Ministry Pakistan
Sana Saleem
- [liberationtech] Request for video footage for Rio +20 summit
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Requesting Grant/Funding related information.
Uttaran Dutta
- [liberationtech] RESEARCHER POSITIONS: IHRB and Shift looking for ICT sector researchers for EC Project
Rebecca MacKinnon
- [liberationtech] Responsible Disclosure on (Recent Malware in Syria)
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] RetroShare
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] RetroShare / Anonymous, Decentralized and Uncensored File-Sharing is Booming
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] RetroShare / Anonymous, Decentralized and Uncensored File-Sharing is Booming
Michael Rogers
- [liberationtech] RTCWEB and secure multimedia communication on the web.
Gregory Maxwell
- [liberationtech] RTCWEB and secure multimedia communication on the web.
Fabio Pietrosanti (naif)
- [liberationtech] RTCWEB and secure multimedia communication on the web.
Gregory Maxwell
- [liberationtech] Russian defense tech industry & Syria
- [liberationtech] Russian defense tech industry & Syria
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Russian defense tech industry & Syria
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Russian defense tech industry & Syria
- [liberationtech] Saudi Blogger Ahmed Al Omran Speaking in SF April 5
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Secure USB cloud device?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] security issues around country-specific training/advice sites?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Seeking African Organization to Head Network for Africa
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] site hacked or attacked?
emad mekay
- [liberationtech] site hacked or attacked?
Micah Lee
- [liberationtech] Stanford university guest talk and film screening of 'No News From Harare'
Wendy Dent
- [liberationtech] St Antony's International Review - Call for Papers
Benjamin Martill
- [liberationtech] Startup seeking developer in Nairobi
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Startup seeking developer in Nairobi
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] SUCCESS but await public statement
Sana Saleem
- [liberationtech] SUCCESS but await public statement
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] SUCCESS but await public statement
Sana Saleem
- [liberationtech] Syrians Need Storytelling, not Drones/Internet/Technology/Cameras
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Syrian Virus follow Up(New version of that Youtube page)
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] Teach for Egypt
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Telecomix Broadcast System
- [liberationtech] Telecomix Broadcast System
Griffin Boyce
- [liberationtech] Telecomix Broadcast System
- [liberationtech] Telecomix Broadcast System
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Telecomix Broadcast System
Griffin Boyce
- [liberationtech] Telecomix Broadcast System
Katherine Maher
- [liberationtech] Telecomix Broadcast System
- [liberationtech] Telecomix Broadcast System
- [liberationtech] The Ethos Roundtable at will be webcasting from Brookline Access Television this month!
Deborah Elizabeth Finn
- [liberationtech] The NSA Is Building the Country’s Biggest Spy Center (Watch What You Say)
Eugen Leitl
- [liberationtech] The use of Social Media by political activists in sub-Saharan Africa?
- [liberationtech] the vee-jays of Syria...
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] the vee-jays of Syria...
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] the vee-jays of Syria...
Katrin Verclas
- [liberationtech] the vee-jays of Syria...
Lina Srivastava
- [liberationtech] Thoughts on decentralized DNS, and OpenNIC particularly?
Rohan Dixit
- [liberationtech] Thoughts on decentralized DNS, and OpenNIC particularly?
liberationtech at
- [liberationtech] Thoughts on decentralized DNS, and OpenNIC particularly?
- [liberationtech] Thoughts on decentralized DNS, and OpenNIC particularly?
Rohan Dixit
- [liberationtech] Thoughts on decentralized DNS, and OpenNIC particularly?
- [liberationtech] UN Internet Governance Forum 2012 - Call for workshops - April 12 Deadline
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] UN Internet Governance Forum 2012 - Call for workshops - April 12 Deadline
Katy Pearce ucsb
- [liberationtech] UN Internet Governance Forum 2012 - Call for workshops - April 12 Deadline
Andrew Lewis
- [liberationtech] UN Internet Governance Forum 2012 - Call for workshops - April 12 Deadline
Katy P
- [liberationtech] UN Internet Governance Forum 2012 - Call for workshops - April 12 Deadline
Robert Guerra
- [liberationtech] UN Internet Governance Forum 2012 - Call for workshops - April 12 Deadline
Katy Pearce ucsb
- [liberationtech] Unknown Tech Company Defies FBI In Mystery Surveillance Case
Nicholas Merrill
- [liberationtech] Unlike Us #2: Understanding Social Media Monopolies and their Alternatives (this week in Amsterdam)
Geert Lovink
- [liberationtech] Urgent request for tech review/input Mobile communications security/tracking/spoofing/jamming - Mexico new warrantless tracking law
Lisa Brownlee
- [liberationtech] Urgent request for tech review/input Mobile communications security/tracking/spoofing/jamming - Mexico new warrantless tracking law
Lisa Brownlee
- [liberationtech] USAID Higher Ed Solutions Net
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Videos from Syria
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Ahmed Shihab-Eldin
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Elizabeth Stark
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Danny O'Brien
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Neal Ungerleider
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Collin Anderson
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Katherine Maher
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Mary Joyce
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Mark Belinsky
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Brian Conley
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Gregory Foster
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Jillian C. York
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Brett Solomon
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Adam Fisk
- [liberationtech] Who's speaking at SXSW?
Jon Lebkowsky
- [liberationtech] Who first created/coined email?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] Who first created/coined email?
Fran Parker
- [liberationtech] Who first created/coined email?
Miles Fidelman
- [liberationtech] Who first created/coined email?
Sky (Jim Schuyler)
- [liberationtech] Who first created/coined email?
Yosem Companys
- [liberationtech] WSJ Data Transparency Hackathon
Yosem Companys
Last message date:
Sat Mar 31 11:33:02 PDT 2012
Archived on: Thu Mar 16 18:50:37 PDT 2017
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).