[liberationtech] Drones are not storytellers or why Syrians need better storytelling was Re: Pirate Bay turns to drones

Andre Rebentisch arebentisch at lxdesystems.com
Fri Mar 23 17:00:04 PDT 2012

Am 23.03.2012 17:49, schrieb Brian Conley:
> Not only the development costs, but the litigation/jail time costs as
> well are a huge issue with more innovative applications of drone tech.

Balloons then?

Syria is just a sales promo story. I guess the feasible application for
drone community technology would come via the OSM project.

> Further, the idea of implementing drones in Syria first of all is a huge
> safety risk, and could fundamentally change the perception of an already
> hostile regime to encourage increasingly worse actions.

What is wrong about cracking down on an armed uprising, btw?

--- A

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