[liberationtech] liberationtech-jobs Digest, Vol 1, Issue 3

liberationtech-jobs-request at lists.stanford.edu liberationtech-jobs-request at lists.stanford.edu
Fri Mar 9 19:22:39 PST 2012

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Today's Topics:

   1. Summer Fellowship in Ghana (Yosem Companys)
   2. Media and Crowdsourcing Project Manager in	Niger (Yosem Companys)
   3. Research Fellow at UN University (Yosem Companys)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 16:17:22 -0800
From: Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>
To: Liberationtech Jobs <liberationtech-jobs at lists.stanford.edu>
Subject: [liberationtech-jobs] Summer Fellowship in Ghana
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More at http://www.lumana.org/get-involved/become-a-fellow

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Kaemingk <michael at lumana.org>
Subject: Summer Fellowship Opportunity in Ghana

I'm writing on behalf of a small Seattle based microfinance nonprofit called
Lumana.  I've attached a fellowship opportunity for the summer that someone
may be interested in.  It'd be great if we could forward
this opportunity. Please let me know if you need


Michael Kaemingk


Michael Kaemingk
Project Manager
(p) 360.739.5396
(e) michael at lumana.org
(e) kaemingk at seattleu.edu
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Message: 2
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 16:21:34 -0800
From: Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>
To: Liberationtech Jobs <liberationtech-jobs at lists.stanford.edu>
Cc: Anahi <anahiayala at gmail.com>
Subject: [liberationtech-jobs] Media and Crowdsourcing Project Manager
	in	Niger
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anahi <anahiayala at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 9, 2012 at 9:51 AM

Hey all,

Internews is seeking a Media and Crowdsourcing Project Manager to implement
an exciting new journalism and crowd sourcing program in Niger. This small
but ambitious program focuses on the extractive industries sector in Niger.
It seeks to improve the capacity of selected civil society and media
organizations to promote citizen participation in the drafting, approval
and oversight of the implementation of laws and regulations governing
natural resources management.

Internews is seeking a multi-talented professional ? someone with both
traditional and social media journalism skills. The perfect candidate will
be a trainer, an innovator, a subject specialist, and a passionate believer
in the power of information to improve lives.

The trainer is someone who can engage with journalists to provide
specialist trainings focusing on issues of transparency, in the wider
context of investigative and economic journalism. The trainer will also
work with journalists to use mobile phones, cameras, and video, and to
gather information from social media, blogs, community meetings and focus
groups to monitor the natural resources industry.

The selected trainer will work with local media (radio, print, social
media) to mentor them to produce reports on natural resources management,
laws and regulations; information spots will educate the public on specific
issues (such as policy implementations, management of revenues, unions,
child labor, community relations with mining companies and human rights);
and investigative reports will provide detailed insight on issues such as
mining code reform, the natural resource economy, and international supply
chain transparency initiatives in the private sector.

The innovator and social media skill set will be used to invite citizens to
participate in monitoring the effects and the outcomes of the mining
activities in their communities by using their mobile phones for citizen
crowdsourcing. The incoming SMS (and possibly IVR for voice messages) will
be then mapped to provide a spatial and temporal dimension to the
information collected that will allow an understanding of which are the
most affected communities and the variation of the phenomenon over time.

The system will directly link the crowd to the local media that will be
managing the incoming information received by the local population to
follow up on stories on the ground and provide an overall picture of the
actual outcomes of those activities on the local communities. An outreach
strategy will advertise the system to local communities, while local media
will manage it.

See full job posting and how to apply here:

Please, fill free to get in contact with me if you have any question.



Anahi Ayala Iacucci

Media Innovation Advisor, Africa Region


I&M Building, 12th Floor, Kenyatta Avenue, PO Box 7219, City Square 00200,
Nairobi, Kenya

Mobile (US): + 1 202 550 5214

Mobile (Italy): +39 345 80 53 067

Mobile (Kenya): +254 706 623 650

SkypeID: anahiii | Twitter: anahi_ayala | aayala at internews.org |
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Message: 3
Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 19:22:12 -0800
From: Yosem Companys <companys at stanford.edu>
To: Liberationtech Jobs <liberationtech-jobs at lists.stanford.edu>
Subject: [liberationtech-jobs] Research Fellow at UN University
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From: Peter Haddawy <haddawy at iist.unu.edu>

We are recruiting a Research Fellow at UN P3 level (equivalent to Asst
Prof) in ICT4D. I?d appreciate if you could please circulate the
vacancy announcement.  It?s also available on our website:


Prof. Peter Haddawy
Director | UNU-IIST | Macau, China
Furthering Sustainable Development through Information and
Communication Technology
tel +853 8504-0471 (direct)
tel +853 2871-2930 | fax +853 2871-2940
haddawy at iist.unu.edu
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End of liberationtech-jobs Digest, Vol 1, Issue 3

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