[liberationtech] Telecomix Broadcast System

Griffin Boyce griffinboyce at gmail.com
Wed Mar 7 10:12:49 PST 2012

Hey Okhin,

  There are definitely challenges here, but kudos on putting this out
there. I've got several hundred (~600) videos that were submitted to me, in
.webm.  Because of their size, they were probably originally sourced from
video-sharing sites, but am happy to cross-post these.  (They're divided up
by location, with titles as descriptions).

  As you mentioned on the site, the design is pretty stock, but easy to
switch out stylesheets.


On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 12:02 PM, Brian Conley <brianc at smallworldnews.tv>wrote:

> Hi Okhin,
> Great effort. There is an attempt to do this by one of the Syrian
> opposition groups, am traveling today but will try to link you when I get
> back to a computer. it is quite extensive, but poorly organized.
> Brian
> On Mar 7, 2012 9:59 AM, "Okhin" <okhin at okhin.fr> wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> On Wed, 7 Mar 2012 10:56:22 -0500
>> Griffin Boyce <griffinboyce at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Great job Okhin!
>> >
>> >   There is a real wealth of videos from Syria and the Arab Spring,
>> > and I'm happy that you've put this together to showcase so many of
>> > them. It's also really well organized.
>> Well, not that well, it's mainly a scripted exploitation of the index
>> we've built for a year (yeah, ikiwiki rox) and we have still some
>> issues with the tagging system due to translation into english (Baba
>> Amr, for instance, can be written with a dozen different ortograph it
>> seems), so we need to find a way to fix that, and it would not be easy.
>> And it would worth nothing without the people who actually took the
>> footages and posted them to different upload website (mainly youtube
>> and bambuser) at great risks.
>> Okhin - also: we have a tor hidden service http://7rv7cfdyyg3kmmnx.onion
>> and SSL will come soon
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